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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Boost The Body And The Mind With Green Spaces

By Carlo Mueres

The closer you live to nature, the healthier you're likely to be.

For instance, people who live within 1 kilometer of a park or wooded area experience less anxiety and depression, Dutch researchers report.

The findings put concrete numbers on a concept that many health experts had assumed to be true.

"It's nice to see that it shows that, that the closer humans are to the natural environment, that seems to have a healthy influence," said Dr. David Rakel, director of integrative medicine and assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

One previous study had noted fewer health inequalities between rich and poor people in areas with lots of green space, and other studies have echoed these health benefits. But much of this research had relied on people's perceptions of their physical and mental health.

This new objective look at the matter involved scouring medical records of 345,143 people in Holland, assessing health status for 24 conditions, including cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological diseases. This information was then correlated with how much green space was located within 1 kilometer and 3 kilometers of a person's postal code.

People living in more urban environments had a higher prevalence of 15 of the 24 conditions, with the relationship strongest for anxiety disorder and depression.

In areas with only 10 percent of green space, about 2.6 percent of people experienced anxiety disorders, compared to 1.8 percent of people in areas with 90 percent green space. The disparity was evident for depression as well - 3.2 percent of people living in more urbanized areas had depression versus 2.4 percent of those in more rural areas.

The health benefits were evident only when the green acres were within a kilometer, not at the 3 kilometer perimeter, except for anxiety disorders, gastrointestinal digestive disorders and so-called medically unexplained physical symptoms, the researchers said.

Children and poor people suffered disproportionately from lack of green acres, the researchers found.

The study findings were published online Thursday in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Any number of factors could account for the benefits of green space, experts said.

More natural sunlight, for instance, has been linked with a lower incidence of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and other benefits.

"If patients in hospitals have direct exposure to sunlight through a window or natural sunlight, hospital stays are shorter and patients have less complications," Rakel said. "That's been well-established.

More light also means more vitamin D in the skin, which has been found to elevate mood and improve muscle strength, he added.

And fresh air, obviously, has a benefit as well, as do the exercise opportunities that come with more open space.

But much of the relief may come from the simple ability to de-stress.

"If we're in a busy street with more technology and artificial things, we're going to be multi-tasking more, which prevents us from focusing on one thing," Rakel said. "In this day and age, we really need some sort of centering practice. We need to get our mind out of its own stories and focus on something that's pure. Nature is a beautiful example of that - it's the way things were meant to be. - 24553

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Friday, October 30, 2009

The Benefit of Using Nitric Oxide Phendrexin

By Laura Croff

So, you seem to be interested in losing weight. If that is the case, you may want to take a look at a supplement that has been used for many years which is nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide has been shown to reduce weight and boost your energy time and time again. It also has the added benefit of making you recover much quicker from your day and any sports exercises that you may do.

For these reasons, nitric oxide has been known to give the athletic edge that athletes often desire. This is the key to unlocking the great sports success that many athletes are able to obtain.

Nitric oxide is used by many people in order to maintain their weights or get the boost in energy that they have been looking for. Your body runs on fuel and nitric oxide is one of the high octane fuels that you can give it.

So, to get started, all you need to do is get your hands on a nitric oxide supplement and then continue to take it daily. You will then begin to notice how your body responds to it and in particular how your metabolism will speed up and give you the weight loss that you have been desiring.

If you want to get the great benefits we have been talking about in this article, continue to take it day after day and in no time you will be seeing the improved body that you want.

So, go ahead and get your hands on some nitric oxide and begin today! Nothing is stopping you from beginning now. If you take this into your hands now, you will experience the benefits that it can bring you and then you can begin to move on to other accomplishments like starting a new schedule in your life that you know is right for you. Doing so will lead to greater achievements that you will begin to enjoy and will only propel you on further. - 24553

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

A New Tradition of Exotic and Classic Coffee Flavors

By Damian Papworth

Coffee is something of an acquired taste, owing to the bitterness that most coffee drinkers experience when trying the drink for the first time. With some milk or sugar (or both), that bitterness quickly disappears and it is no surprise that coffee is popular all over the world, in some cases ranking in a consumption ratio of 1 to 3 when compared to water. After introducing new flavors to a favorite drink, it isn?t difficult to see why flavored coffees continue to increase in number and popularity.

Previously, the most popular flavor to be added to coffee was chocolate (often called mocha) in cafes. Adding chocolate to coffee was a natural progression, especially in European cafes which primarily serve espresso. Hot chocolate is usually on the menu, so making the cafe mocha is just an added ingredient away. Beyond the now-ubiquitous caf? mocha, it is by no means uncommon to see different types of syrups added to coffee drinks. Many syrups, like amaretto or Irish cr?me, mimic the flavors of liqueurs, a more traditional form of coffee flavoring. Others are added as shots to coffee drinks in the way bartenders would make a cocktail.

Of course, if you are looking for coffee flavors without adding anything after brewing, you can find flavored coffee packaged and ready to go. Hazelnut, mocha and other flavors can be added to the coffee in bean or ground form. Clearly, it?s impossible to grow coffee with a flavor present in the bean, so any type of coffee with flavors has to be altered after the harvest. Despite the use of an artificial flavoring process, the flavors themselves need not be artificial.

Besides the most basic coffee flavors, you can find pistachio, white chocolate, almond, orange and more topping the list at cafes right there with hazelnut or mocha. In fact, if there is a flavor that can conceivably be matched up with coffee, you will find it, maybe even in organic form.

There is nothing artificial about chocolate in the hands of the right producer, of course, so enjoying a caf? mocha can have a more natural flavor than some of the syrups. The natural properties of both can blend together nicely.

Intense coffee drinks that have elements like pumpkin and cinnamon may seem more like a winter cider than coffee, yet they have become extremely popular.

For coffee drinkers who are experimenting with different flavors and concoctions, you should remember that caffeine is generally the ingredient with the biggest impact in traditional coffee. When you are adding elements like whipped cream, syrups and powders, the fat and sugar content in your drink could rise considerably.

For daily coffee drinkers who see an espresso or black coffee as a staple of life, it is unlikely that a variety of flavors and embellishments on the classic form will be appealing. For others with a notable sweet tooth, the different flavors will add a new wrinkle to the idea of coffee. - 24553

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Psychology Of The Parents Of Balloon Boy

By Carlo Mueres

This past week we saw the news media captivated by the idea that a 6-year-old boy, Falcon Heene had been carried off by a weather balloon. That is until the boy was later found in his own garage attic and shortly thereafter it was revealed on a television news show that the entire incident was likely a hoax. In replying to a reporter's question, the young Falcon turned to his dad on camera and said, "You guys said that, umm, we did this for the show." Oops.

The parents - Richard Heene and Mayumi Heene - have all along claimed it was not a hoax or a publicity stunt. Now, according to The New York Times, the parents will voluntarily surrender to police as soon as charges are filed, which is expected to happen on Wednesday.

While the truth continues to unfold, the police in the investigation have concluded it was likely indeed a publicity stunt: "We have evidence to indicate it was a publicity stunt done with the hope of marketing themselves to a reality-television show sometime in the future," said Larimer County sheriff Jim Alderden on Sunday afternoon at a news conference in Fort Collins, Colorado.

So that leaves us with the inevitable question - what could possibly psychologically motivate parents to use their child's very life in order to further themselves?

We see clues to the answer in some other information that's trickling out about the parents. ABC News noted that former business partner Barbara Slusser - who chased hurricanes and other storms with the Heenes - that they parted ways when Slusser felt that the Heenes often put their kids in harm's way. Slusser told ABC News, "The last straw for us was when Hurricane Gustav and Hurricane Ike were heading toward the Texas coastline and Heene wanted to go back there and take the kids."

So we seem to have a set of parents who already don't quite understand the idea of how to raise children in a safe, responsible and thoughtful manner, thinking nothing of storm-chasing hurricanes and tornadoes with their young children in tow. Storm-chasing, of course, can be a very dangerous and unpredictable endeavor. One of the reasons adults do it is for the thrill of the unpredictability of the storm - putting oneself in harm's way to experience a ferocious component of nature. But your children? They aren't old enough to make such decisions for themselves - they trust their parents' good judgment and experience.

But an account on Gawker by someone who worked with Richard Heene sheds even more light on the Heenes' motivation - money and additional fame. This was a family that had been on the television program, Wife Swap, and they had already tasted celebrity. They wanted more of it. - 24553

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Meals In Minutes - Healthy And Quick Recipes For Everyday Meals

By Laura Cokherell

Sandwich wraps are the perfect quick meals for busy people. For breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even a snack they make meals in minutes and can always be different. With only a few ingredients you can create a flavorful meal-on-the-go anytime.

Here is a basic step-by-step recipe so you can put a sandwich wrap together in minutes. This easy recipe can be adjusted to your taste, the seasons, or to whatever you may have in the refrigerator or cupboards when you make it. Place your chosen ingredients in layers down the center of the wrap, leaving an inch or so at the bottom to close it when you are done.

1. First choose the kind of wrap that you want. Soft tortilla shells come in a wide variety of flavors today such as spinach, tomato, whole grain and more. You may also want to try some kale leaves (raw or lightly steamed) with the stem cut out so you are only using the leafy part or try some large lettuce leaves or even some steamed cabbage leaves.

2. Select a spread for the wrap base. This is what will go underneath all of your ingredients. Spread a layer, as thin or as thick as you like, on the wrap that you have selected. Here are a few ideas for ingredients to spread on your wrap: mayonnaise, cooked sweet potatoes, sour cream, olive tapenade, or plain or flavored cream cheese.

3. Fill the wrap. Choose a single item or a combination of items and place as much as you like down the center of the sandwich wrap. Try tofu (bake and seasoned), cheese (sliced or shredded), leftover cooked chicken or steak, avocado, canned salmon or smoked salmon slices, etc.

4. Pick out some vegetables or fruit to add to your wrap sandwich. Make it a healthy quick meal by adding a variety of these delicious and nutritious foods to your sandwich.

Vegetable Suggestions: select a variety from broccoli slaw, fresh tomato slices or diced tomatoes, shredded lettuce, peeled and thinly sliced jicama, marinated artichoke hearts, shredded cabbage, shredded carrots, sliced mushrooms, sliced scallions, sliced roasted red peppers, sliced sweet bell peppers, very thinly sliced fennel, chopped or diced onion, thinly sliced cucumbers, etc.

Fruit Suggestions: use banana slices, fresh berries, diced or sliced apples or pears, sliced grapes, peach slices, sliced strawberries or mango, raisins or dried fruit of choice, etc.

5. Add a little flavor topping. This just puts a little extra zip into the wrap. Place as much of the flavor topping as you like on your vegetable or fruit layer. Depending on the type of wrap you are making, here are some topping suggestions.

Crunchy/Salty/Spicy Flavor Toppings: cooked and crumbled bacon bits (regular or vegetarian), pickle relish, peanut sauce, a little chopped fresh herbs of choice like mint, basil, dill, oregano, or cilantro, chopped nuts, salsa, oyster sauce, or a sprinkling of soy sauce

Sweet/Spicy/Crunchy Flavor Toppings: nutmeg or cinnamon, granola (use your favorite flavors), chopped nuts, a spoonful of marmalade or all-fruit spread, a little chutney, shredded coconut, mini-chocolate chips, etc.

When you have everything added to your wrap sandwich, just fold up the bottom flap over your ingredients and then fold in each side, one over the other to close it.

A few simple and flavorful wrap sandwich ideas are listed to get you started making these quick meals in minutes.

- whole grain tortilla wrap, mayonnaise, cooked boneless chicken breast (thinly sliced), shredded lettuce, mango chutney

- whole grain tortilla wrap, almond butter, avocado slices, crushed and drained pineapple, brown sugar

- spinach flavored tortilla wrap, garlic hummus, grilled chicken slices, thinly sliced cucumber, sliced apples, chopped fresh mint

- whole grain tortilla wrap, cashew butter, sliced mango, sliced strawberries, agave syrup, cinnamon

- lettuce leaf, mustard, smoked turkey slices, chopped sun-dried tomatoes, ricotta cheese

- whole grain tortilla wrap, tomato pesto, sliced hard-cooked egg, fresh spinach leaves, pitted and chopped black olives, spoonful of sour cream

- whole grain tortilla wrap, apple butter, shredded sharp cheddar cheese, shredded apples, raisins, nutmeg

- whole grain tortilla wrap, mayonnaise, cooked and flaked crabmeat, chopped celery and scallions, lemon zest, diced avocado - 24553

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Frosting Recipes, Take The Time To Make Your Own

By Maura Luke

Making your own frosting is easy with the right frosting recipes, it is also more economical, tastier, healthier and convenient. Preservative free frosting just like Grandma used to make looks better, tastes better and will give you a sense of achievement.

Store bought frostings are just another indication of how we Americans expect to have everything ready made and out of a tube. The rule of thumb should be if Grandma didn't recognize it as being food then it isn't. Can you imagine her looking for cheese in a store and buying it in a tube? That is not how cheese is supposed to look, and neither is frosting.

Home made frosting is simple to make, and today we have so many kitchen appliances to help us. Think of this, use the appliance; make frosting, rinse and place in dishwasher. Total time expended 10 minutes, cost of frosting, negligible. Drive to store, 10 minutes, shop for frosting, 10 minutes, stand in queue and pay, 10 minutes, drive home 10 minutes. Cost of frosting, your time 40 minutes plenty dollars for both frosting and gas.

Just make use of a single frosting recipe you and your family enjoy, change the color and flavor to suite your needs and hey presto, you have the best frosting in the world, just like Grandma made. If you want different colors and flavors, split the batch, use cream cheese instead of butter, add fresh blueberries, lemon or orange zest and juice or strawberries for color and flavor. Add chocolate for that flavor we all know and love and go crazy.

Delicious, fast and easy, home made frosting can be whipped up in many different flavors using a basic recipe. All kinds of plain store bought cookies can be frosted to tart them up, cup cakes, brownies and cakes can be frosted to make them taste extra special.

A couple of tips include, don't use granulated sugar, your frosting won't work, use "confectioners" sugar, one can't be substituted for the other. Use butter, not margarine, and only frost your cakes after they have cooled down completely. - 24553

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Top 5 Reasons to Use Copycat Recipes at Home

By Bill Lane

Remember the last time you were in your favorite restaurant? Was there a line? Once seated how long were you anxiously awaiting the arrival of your favorite meal? Then there was that feeling when the waitress set it on the table. AAhhh, at last it was perfect? Or was it? Maybe it wasn't cooked just right. Or maybe it wasn't warm enough or a topping got left out? How was the feeling when you got the bill? Did Aahhh turn into Whhooo? Well I am going to show you how these pitfalls associated with eating out can be avoided. It's all through the use of using reliabe and tested copycat recipes. Do you want to know the top 5 reasons to make your favorite foods at home?

Cost How much money will you save with copycat recipes? You and your special person head to your favorite eating place. There you order an appetizer, 2 entrees and some dessert. Throw in a few beers and a tip and now you have spent anywhere from $60-$85. If you would have created the same fantastic meal at home you would have only spent 1/3 to 1/2 of that much money. And you would have still had the same great flavor. People can use those kinds of savings right now in these times. You are probably wondering how many recipes we are dealing with?

Variety Almost all popular restaurants have copycat recipes for their famous dishes. I am not talking about just one or two copycat recipes, I am talking about upwards of 30 for the larger establishments. They are well known restaurant too like O' Charleys, Olive Garden, Applebees, Starbucks, McDonalds just to name a few. But are any of the copycat recipes able to offer options for healthier eating or weight loss?

Health This is the great thing about using copycat recipes in your home. The exact recipe is provided but you can switch up any ingredients you like. If you are trying to give the food a distinct flavor or you are wanting to add some of your own vegetables you are in total control. You can even add lite or fat free ingredients if you are watching your weight or have allergies. You are given the precise steps but can definitely change it up at your convenience. How do we know these recipes actually taste like the real thing?

Quality Several food scientists collaborate to bring these exact copycat recipes to you. They are tested over and over to be positive you are receiving the exact ingredients and cooking instructions. If you went online I'm sure you could find several recipes claiming to be copycats of many popular restaurants. And they are probably free. That is because they are not the true copycat recipes. They're not tested, not developed by professional chefs and are not that good. I will show you how to obtain the true copycat recipes and gain back your freedom using them.

Freedom Do you realize how much of your time and freedom is spent eating out. Can you get your favorite meal at midnight? Can you eat your favorite meal while watching your favorite show? For example, you drive to the restaurant, wait to be seated, wait to get your appetizer, wait to get your meal, wait to get your dessert and you guessed it, wait to pay your bill. So how much waiting have you done? 2 hours, 3 hours, more? Take back your freedom and your time and fix your favorite meals at home. Use these copycat recipes to make your favorite meal when you want it and how you want it. - 24553

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Invest in Victorinox for Your Cutlery Needs

By Moses Harun

When you hear the word Victorinox, you doubtless associate it immediately with Swiss Army knives. Naturally, you are correct in that respect as Victorinox is currently the only supplier of the world-famous multi-use tool with the cross-in-a-shield emblem. A great set they offer is the Victorinox 8 Piece Knife Block Set.

However, before Victorinox became renowned for those Swiss Army knives, it was a famous manufacturer of cutlery. Now, two brand names are used by this manufacturer: Victorinox and Forschner, both of which are sold without the benefit of the Swiss Army brand. In this way the Victorinox knife set is now available to you.

Product Features

The Victorinox knives are produced using the forge process and then they get ice tempered. Consequently, these knives are usually heavy and very sharp with a full tang extending down through the center of the handle.

The Forschner knives are produced with the stamped blade method. These products are additionally manufactured from a single piece of steel from tip to tang, although the knives are more lightweight, which make them just the thing for chopping and cutting at high speeds.

The hilts in a Victorinox knife set normally come in two colors: black and rosewood. There are red handles, of course, but they are usually restricted to the individual knives that you are able to add to a set. If you intend to invest in the block set, opt for the block with two extra slots to make room for your additional Victorinox knives.


Taken with all the sets reviewed, the Victorinox brand consistently gets high standing from both everyday consumers and the trade publications, such as the influential Cooks' Illustrated. For that matter, it keeps up favorably against its top quality competitors like Wusthof and Henckels. A nice set to consider is the Victorinox 8 Pc Knife Block Sets.

First, the wood storage block included with a Victorinox knife set includes beautiful grain structure in dark oak as well as light oak. It's completely stable to promote safety and designed to be accessible in the most cramped of places on your kitchen countertop.

Second, the blades' cutting ability concerning sharpness, weight and balance are, naturally, the cutting edge in kitchen knives. This superiority could be attributed to their especially slim backs that exhibit practically no wedge effects. Of course, Victorinox makes exceptionally sharp blades for those Swiss Army knives, so can't we count on that in their other blades as well?

Third, the variety of knives in a Victorinox knife set works for amateur as well as professional chefs. There are not such a number of knives that a hobby chef will be bewildered, however there are just enough different knives to stop the experienced chef from feeling frustrated.

Fourth, the Fibrox handles may be the most comfortable ones up to this point. You will be able to control the knives easily no matter what the size of your hands, which could be convenient in case you have chefs of all ages working in your home.

Fifth- and this is significant for visual purposes- the entire set appears particularly professional. Just imagine how knowledgeable you will seem with it on your kitchen counter!


Pretty much the only disadvantage that you could encounter with a Victorinox knife set is the pricey cost. Some models go as high a $1,270 for a 17-piece knife collection! Another nice option is the Victorinox 8 Piece Knife Block Set.

Still, when you consider the good points, you might be open to paying a larger amount of money to benefit from more of the aforementioned advantages. Now, if only you can afford to buy the most recent Victorinox digital-age Swiss Army knife, your arsenal of blades will be complete. - 24553

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Nature's Solution for Diabetes

By Jesse Regan

With the astonishing hype being given to processed and sweetened food, it is nut surprising why diabetes has hit so many people. Even if you are not into such fares but you have a lifestyle of a couch potato, you may still be affected by it. Diabetes mellitus, as doctors call it, is the disorder in which your body is unable to produce enough insulin to metabolize the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates you have taken in, resulting into the rise of your blood sugar level. If you are obese or are in your forties, you are most prone to acquiring it.

Of the two types of diabetes, it is the Type 2 or the Non-Insulin Dependent Adult Onset Diabetes that has hit people the hardest. With a Type 2 diabetes, your body is incapable of turning out enough insulin used for metabolism. This usually happens to fat people but a healthy eating habit and exercise can solve this a little. Despite the doctors' warnings though, many people still cannot avoid eating food with so much carbohydrates and fat, putting themselves at the risk of having diabetes.

Many prescription drugs to cure diabetes can be bought from any drugstore. However, some of these are known to produce discomforting side effects when taken regularly. On the other hand, another viable remedy for diabetes is through the natural method, one that does not require a prescription from a physician and does not hurt the budget too much. In many countries from where these came from, these have been commonly used as remedies. If taken along with a daily exercise plus a low fat and low carbohydrate eating habit, these natural remedies can be potent.

Vegetables, especially the leafy and green ones, have an abundant supply of magnesium. This mineral is proven capable of limiting the rise of blood sugar levels as well as reinforcing the capability of the body's immune system and controlling blood pressure. Medical findings have attested that it may indeed encourage the production of insulin needed to metabolize food. However, taking in too much of this can be harmful. In large amounts, this can encourage low blood pressure, breathing complications, and diarrhea.

You may be surprised that cinnamon, an item related to sweet food, is also a remedy provided by nature. There have been cases when experts in the field of nutrition tested this and results showed that it could reduce the blood sugar levels in an individual by ten percent, at most. The experiments also proved that it could also pull down the levels of cholesterol and triglyceride.

The obvious thing is that remedying diabetes naturally also obligates the patient to have a healthy diet. His richest source of nutrients are not anything with refined sugar but are of vegetables and fruits that have the vitamins and minerals that can reduce or, at least, control the levels of blood sugar. The vegetables highly recommended are cucumber, celery, and string beans. A diet of such vegetables plus an active lifestyle is important against diabetes and obesity.

You have here the following samples of good information about healthy diet respites you can find online. - 24553

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Great Hawaiian Macaroni Salad and Barbecued Chicken

By Mike Jackson

I absolutely love Hawaiian Macaroni Salad, don't you? If you don't, don't worry, you can easily make it at home and try this homemade recipe out. Here is the easiest recipe for Hawaiian Macaroni Salad:

Ingredients: 3 Cups Macaroni Pasta, 1/4 Cup (grated) Carrots, 1 Cup Mayonnaise, Black Pepper (to taste), Salt (to taste), 1/4 Cup Milk. Simple, right?

Here are the directions you will follow for your delicious Hawaiian Mac Salad:

1. Cook macaroni until tender (8-9 minutes), drain and rinse with cold water.

2. Add grated carrots, mayonnaise, and milk till well coated. Salt & Pepper to taste. Use more mayonnaise if needed.

3. Chill in refrigerator, when ready to serve you may want to add more mayonnaise (i love mayo, so i add it).

4. Tip: get creative and consider adding ham, peas, boiled eggs or tuna!

Why stop with Hawaiian Macaroni Salad? Make some delicious Hawaiian Barbecue Chicken for an awesome picnic. Here is a simple recipe for Hawaiian Barbecue Chicken:

Ingredients: 1 12 ounce jar of Apricot Jam, 1 (8 oz.) bottle Kraft Russian Salad Dressing with Honey Russian Dressing, 1 envelop Onion Soup (Dry - Packaged), Whole Chicken.

Cooking Directions: Put the chicken pieces in a pyrex flat pan. Combine preserves, salad dressing and soup mix. Pour over chicken and bake at 300'F for 2 1/2 hours. Baste occasionally during baking.

Here are some tips on having a great picnic:

1. Keep extra condiments from fast-food restaurants and drive-throughs in a drawer in your kitchen, just for use on picnics! It'll save a lot of room in your cooler or insulated food compartment and will be easiest once you are at the picnic site.

2. Help your thermos keep food cold or hot longer: For hot food, place the thermos in boiling water just long enough to heat it up well, then fill it (carefully - be sure to let it cool down enough to the touch so it won't burn your skin). For cold contents you could place it in the freezer, or in some ice before packing.

3. Recycle your plastic bags from the grocery store for use as garbage bags on picnics. - 24553

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Learning to Enjoy Leisure: The Way Different Countries Drink Their Coffee

By Damian Papworth

One of the best ways that travelers get acquainted with the local customs is by stopping into a cafe--any cafe, really--and sitting down for a coffee. It could be early in the morning, right as shops and markets are starting to open. It could be during a slow afternoon stretch where businessmen are having power lunches and ladies of leisure are gossiping. Or it could be late in the evening, when in a surprising number of countries, going out for coffee is a suitable alternative to boozing it up, or a great activity to sober you up at the end of the night.

The caf? lifestyle varies greatly from country to country. The Europeans of the world wouldn't think twice about spending a couple of hours sitting in a restaurant or cafe, drinking only coffee. You see, it's possible to even sip a single espresso for a long time, have a couple of cookies, and enjoy free time. And with some of the finest coffee in the world in Italy, why wouldn't you enjoy the fine art of beverage making? Most of the cafes will have an espresso machine that's older than the United States are, and that will make the drink taste that much better. But more than just the taste, it's about the idea that it's okay to relax, in public, drinking a coffee.

That might be news to someone from The United States, who, outside of a few big cities, would never see such a thing except amongst unemployed teenagers. Coffee in the Unites States, if you're not in a fancy restaurant, is more about getting caffeine in your body to go work a job. Most spots that are serving coffee aren't serving anything that's particularly good, and the extent to which the caf? lifestyle exists in most American cities amongst average people is the fact that you can now get something called espresso at a Dunkin Donuts in Boston.

In western Europe, the culture of France and Italy depends greatly on having time to sit and have a coffee, and leisurely public beverage consumption there is a thing of legend. For example, it's not uncommon to see restaurants in small plazas all over Rome with outdoor seating, even in the middle of a hot summer, where the locals and tourists alike are hanging out, sipping espresso or cappuccino, and perhaps snacking on a small cookie. If you go during the afternoon time where everyone it seems is in a cafe, it's also likely that you'll get a snack, like some peanuts, too.

It's pretty obvious how things work in The States when you realize that all your coffee comes with is a napkin or a dairy creamer. In other places, where you're encouraged to sit and stay awhile, there's practically a small spread presented with even the most regular cup of joe. In Buenos Aires, cookies, crackers, and some soda water come along, too. In Italy, at least a cookie is expected. In Holland, at least a couple of cookies come, too. And in Paris, if you're going to a cafe to enjoy a coffee, you might actually save money by ordering it with some pastry or croissant item.

It says a lot about a country when snacks come with your coffee. Because if someone's serving you enough food to nibble on for a couple of hours, they are not trying to throw you out. They're saying to stay, to sit awhile, to just relax. And that's an incredible and welcome change if you're used to a society of to-go and delivery. People genuinely do seem more relaxed places where the caf? lifestyle allows for leisure time. Everyone, from businessmen to aspiring young writers and artists, takes the time to sit down and have conversations or enjoy some private time. There's no societal penalty, it's just a legitimately nice time.

And there's just something more relaxing about the time to sit and talk for awhile. Even though that culture might not exist in your home country, or perhaps the pace of work is threatening it, but it's an important relic of a time where life was about more than just work, even when everyone was working. And work might actually save the caf? lifestyle. Because now, if you have a laptop, you pretty much have an excuse to sit as long as you like, in a public place, under the guise of work.

If you're traveling for business, visiting a different city for a little while, or relocating abroad, the best possible thing to do is to head to a popular local coffee spot. In just an afternoon, you'll learn more about a country by watching its citizens drink coffee and talk than you would from a whole stack of Lonely Planet guidebooks. - 24553

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Restaurant Design- Guidance For Deciding The Right Choice

By John Tan

Since the restaurant business are not suffering as much as other trades, more and more people continue to open their own restaurant. With all the details that are necessary when opening a restaurant, make sure to take the time one of the more important task of the restaurant design.

Most new business owners rely on an interior designer to setup the restaurant in a way that promotes success. One of the most important aspects of marketing a restaurant is the interior design, deploying it effectively you will see that its bring out your corporate image to the next level.

The reason for this is one of the only things that will set one restaurant apart from all of the others in the area. All of the design elements will be based upon who is the target market, it is very important and it will helps in positioning your company.

A nostalgic restaurant design works for baby-boomers, but a modern edge is more apparent for the teenage crowd.

Layout must be considered when setting up a new restaurant, it plays a huge role for better dining experience for your customers. A large restroom and kitchen would be the best option for keeping your living space clean and free from clutter.

For safety reasons, there is additional space in these areas; I am very sure that this also provides your employees to work in a more comfortable environment.

Most diners enjoy feeling soothed whilst they eat, because of this soft lighting can often affect their choice of restaurant. Comfort is a massive factor in helping people feel relaxed and at home and can be encouraged through the use of comfy seating and table areas.

The restaurant design elements used should correspond to the type of food that is being served as well as what the target market will enjoy.

The restaurant has a good chance at success if the layout is, for the most part, open plan and the interior design exudes comfort. - 24553

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Reidel Wine Glasses: Impress With Decorations

By Barbara Tomasses

It happened on a Saturday night. You hosted a wine tasting party for a grouping of twelve chums, and everything went perfectly. Well, almost everything. It didn't take you exceedingly long to figure out that, while you had the perfect combination of cheeses, crackers and reidel wine glasses, people were constantly confusing their glass with some other person's.

You were embarrassed, particularly when that fact became the thing that just everyone joked about. Now, you are planning another get-together and you want to avoid this issue with reidel wine glasses decorations, but how do you begin?

Purchasing Reidel Wine Glasses Decorations:

Almost every dep. store carries reidel wine glasses decorations. They literally look like little earrings with different charms on every one and are designed to go around the stem of the wine glass to mark it as individual for different guests.

These charms are commonly sold in packages of four or 6 and cost anywhere from five to twenty dollars depending upon where they are purchased, the material they are made from, and how decorative these reidel wine glasses decorations are.

One of the most creatively fun concepts to engage in, for a group of close friends, is to make your own reidel wine glasses decorations. It is wonderfully simple and they're going to love it.

In fact, you can even consider sending the customized charms home as party favors. All you have to do is go to your local craft store and pick up chrome steel or nickel plated wire hoop findings. While you are on the same aisle, pick up some charms that you suspect will be great identity markers for your chums, and perhaps some beads for color.

When you get home, slide the beads and charms onto the hoops, fasten the rings around the stems of each glass, then wait to see the smiles on everyone's face as they realize how much trouble you went to exclusively for them. Probabilities are, they will all instantly forget the last time and will just enjoy the personalized attention you have put into their evening.

Or, if you prefer, you can drop all the newly made charms into a basket and have each person pick out their own charm at the beginning of the evening; this way, you know they may spot the charm and won't be as certain to confuse their reidel wine glasses with somebody else's again. - 24553

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

5 Reasons To Use A Silicone Baking Mat

By Anna Mckayla

It does not matter if you spend most of your waking moment in the kitchen or you bond with the oven occasionally, but if you like baking cakes, breads and pastries, then you would know some of the common trials and tribulations of trying to get your baked goodies out of the pan in one piece. Some of the more common baking aids (e.g. wax paper, baking pan spraying oil, baking sheet) may serve some useful purpose, but often these change the taste or texture of the baked goods, are too wasteful to use, or do not work well as they should. If you really want value for your money, you might want to start using a silicone baking mat. A product like this is not only reusable, but very versatile as well. Assuredly so, a baking mat like this can and should replace most other baking aids in your kitchen. Here are other advantages to using the silicone baking mat.

1. They are flexible. The silicone is pliable and malleable. It may bend like paper, but is 100 times stronger. The mat won't tear or shred when you bend or flex it to loosen baked goods and remove them from the sheet. The mat will fit inside of virtually any sized pan that you use in your kitchen.

2. The silicone baking mat is versatile. Along with being useful for lining all of your pans, the baking mat can be utilized to protect your counter when preparing foods that tend to make a mess such as chocolate spreads, carmelized suar mixes, and fondues.

3. Clean up is easy. A wipe with a damp towel is all that is needed, then set aside to dry. The mat can also be washed in the dishwasher if needed.

4. The silicone baking mat is resistant to stains and odors due to the fact that it is non-porous and non-absorbent. You can be confident that micro-organisms will have difficulty living on the silicone surface of the baking mat.

5. It is heat resistant. So don't worry about using your silicone baking mat at high temperatures in your oven, it won't burst into flames! - 24553

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Steak Specialties Around the Nation

By Paul Adams

A big, red juicy steak is a great favorite among a major population of American citizens. There are different restaurants across the nation that offers excellent steaks. Lets take a look at the best steak restaurants in the country.

Three Forks, Dallas - The Three Forks is the best place in Dallas to order a steak. Visitors who come here love the romantic atmosphere the place is filled with. The restaurant also offers private rooms, catering, valet parking, and fine wines. The restaurant food is very good and ambience excellent. The restaurant has been presented with the Wine Spectator Best of Award for excellence. Families can also host parties for special occasions here.

Avenue Grill, Denver - Avenue Grill is a famous place for martinis, wines and friendly service. The place offers comfortable ambience and delicious food. In fact it is the best place in Denver for steak varieties. The place offers to conduct any personal event like holiday cocktail party or even business luncheons. The place is usually teeming with Denver business crowd during lunch hours. The place has a dedicated bar and grill, where diners are served with delicious food from the Asian and Italian cuisines.

Chicago Chop House, Chicago - Situated in the River North area, this restaurant is best known for its steak varieties in the whole of Chicago. The restaurant also has private rooms, full bar, fine wines to taste, and jazz music in the evening. The restaurant usually opens late and is a great hangout for groups. The Chicago Chop House has a unique elegant piano bar with live music every night.

Cottonwood Grille, Boise - This Boise restaurant can be easily located by tourists or local diners. The place offers a sleek and elegant atmosphere. This downtown restaurant offers well made steaks and excellent service for visitors anytime of the day.

Call up and book seats in advance in these restaurants to avoid disappointments. - 24553

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Fishing The Open Sea

By Owen Jones

Though the terminology 'deep sea fishing' seems to indicate marine fishing expeditions, the term actually applies to any form of fishing in waters larger than a lake. Rivers and ponds are not meant for deep sea fishing as the water may not be deep enough. Deep sea fishing is carried out in coastal waters that make up the habitat of lots of species of large fish.

Deep sea game fishing does require a larger boat in order to achieve open sea manoeuvres and store the catch conveniently. Such a boat should have enough room for the crew meant to actually do the fishing and also for the equipment needed in order to catch and store these larger scale fish. It should be the type of boat intended to withstand sea storms and bad weather and to gain easy access to the fishing areas in a fast and safe manner.

The wide range of fish that are caught in open sea fishing includes marlins, swordfish, sailfish, large tunas and various types of sharks. There are also smaller fish caught at the same time as these larger ones. However, these former, smaller fish are not caught on purpose. Such fish represent by-catch or even bait for other larger fish.

Deep sea fishing has been practised in mainly the same areas throughout the time since this occupation became known and later still it became a profitable business. California, Nova Scotia, Hawaii, Florida and New Zealand are among the most common of locations. One of the advantages of those areas is that the possibility of catching big fish along the coasts is triple compared to other regions where the various large species live in deeper waters.

Deep sea fishing involves several techniques out of which the most common is trolling, that is a form of angling performed by drawing a baited line on the bottom of the ocean. The bait usually is squid or other smaller fish caught for baiting purposes and it is cast behind the boat. The stabilizers behind the boat also called outriggers work great in spreading and enlarging the area for catching the fish. Another technique is the chumming or chunking which requires that large pieces of bait fish get thrown overboard in order to attract the desired larger species.

So, as to be expected, deep sea game fishing has reached unparalleled proportions in terms of its extent because of people's demand for large fish in their kitchen or restaurant. These days, various fish food diets have actually become first-class aids to healthy living and many people are giving up red meat for this lite-fat, white kind. - 24553

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Value For Money Beverage

By Anker Arkady

You may respond unfavorably to what I have to say or write. But the recession has taught me a lot. To some extent, I may even perceive it as a blessing. It has made me think twice about getting what I pay for when I purchase almost everything. And that includes my health drink. Believe me, it is not far out. Please allow me to explain.

A whole lot of consumers are smart. As most of you may agree that only 20% is absorbed of the supplements and vitamins that we take. Being an advocate of having value for money, I would want to absorb all the supplements and vitamins that a health drink offers. With every cent I make and spend, I want to make the most out of it.

Can you buy health if your health goes bad? Well I know I can?t. But if you can, please let me know how in the world you did because I?d pay top dollar to learn that. However, that?s just impossible. But what we can do is to invest early on when it comes to our health. That?s the reason behind why I take to consideration maximum absorption of supplements.

And since I am talking about health, I do not want any preservatives or additives or fillers either. I want my health drink to be as natural as possible. That means I do not want those hard to pronounce ingredients on my health drink. It shouldn?t be labeled ?health drink? in the first place if it has preservatives because preservatives are not good for our health.

I want to drink a health drink. I do not want to drink preservatives at all. And I want it fresh too. Just like having it straight from the factory or manufacturer. But is there such a drink that would have those traits that I am looking for? Is there such a drink that doesn?t have preservatives? Well, lucky for us in this age in time where research and development is constant.

Then I found out about Yoli Blast Caps. Skepticism clouded my thinking when I first saw the product. It?s not your usual drink out of the shelf. Even the name is unique? Blast Cap. It connotes something that explodes. But the only explosion is a slight pop you?d hear when you activate and mix the drink. Don?t worry, it is safe and won?t burst when you drink.

The thought of drinking a beverage, like Yoli Blast Caps, that does not contain preservatives is mighty appealing. Factor in the all natural ingredients and that makes it more convincing. Through its technology, preservatives are no longer needed. This is possible because the ingredients are stored in the cap and kept well away from the liquid. Most conventional beverages are pre-mixed.

It?s just like drinking the beverage out from the conveyor belt. Yoli Blast Caps is a beverage that we can absorb more with no worries of preservatives. That?s a beverage that?s worth every penny. Blast, Shake and Drink! - 24553

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Reality Regarding The Acai Berry Diet And Weight Loss

By Linda C Williams

Someone who is researching diet plans and weight loss programs recently has no doubt heard about the amazing acai berry diet plan. The claims are that you can just consume this yummy little berry that is purported to taste like blueberries dipped in dark chocolate and the weight will drop off your body. You would think that the acai berry is a supernatural solution to weight loss.

So what is the truth? Well an acai berry from the Brazilian rainforest will not help you lose weight any more than a blueberry from the state of Maine. It is not a magical bullet. It is not a supernatural potion that instantly makes the pounds melt off.

In spite of this, the acai berry can be a help to weight loss and an aid to our bodies for the deterrence of diseases, the reduction of inflammation in our bodies and the slowdown of the aging process. It is not because this little berry is a magical fruit but rather because this berry is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods ever found in nature.

The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or the ORAC score is the way the antioxidant capacity is measured in foods. The acai berry has one of the highest ORAC scores ever found in a food. It actually has more than 10 times the amount of antioxidants as red grapes and even twice as much as blueberries, which are another powerful fruit.

Acai berries are also very rich in healthy fats. Up to 50% of the edible pulp of this berry is composed of the essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. The fat found in the acai berry is also high in monounsaturated oleic acid, which is the same as olive oil, which is a well-known nutritional powerhouse.

To my amazement this tiny little powerhouse berry also contains 19 amino acids, which are the building blocks to protein. They also contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E along with potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper and zinc.

The acai berry is really perishable and it has only been in very recent times that it has been available outside of Brazil at all. The berries must be processed within 24 hours of removal from the tree in order to sustain the nutritional integrity of the fruit. Dissimilar processing methods yield different results and the best way to process these berries is with a freeze-drying method.

No, the acai berry is not a supernatural fruit that will help you lose weight however it is an extremely healthy food that can help your body in achieving optimal health and wellness and when you do that your body responds in a constructive manner to diet and exercise and the weight can then more simply come off. - 24553

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Trailers For Mobile Catering: A Safe And Reliable Business

By Juan Manuel Ledesma

Mobile catering business is ideal for you if you don't have many dollars to spend in the initial phase. This business does not require much initial investment and can prove to be good source of income in the long run. A catering trailer business is not affected by any market variations, which make it a reliable business as well.

Another positive factor of catering trailer business is flexibility in terms of time and location. You might not find yourself rooted at one place. You can easily switch your business market depending on the customers? response towards your products, It is not at all necessary to drag yourself through 9 to 5 routine everyday in the business of mobile catering. You can start the day when you want and can end it at your will. The flexibility in working hours also provides you with freedom to spend time with your near and dear ones or to pursue any of your hobbies.

However, for all this, you have to be very careful while starting your catering trailers business. You have to follow a systematic approach to succeed in this business.

1. Derive a result oriented business strategy

It is very important to prepare yourself well before starting a business. A well laid business plan will do a world of good for your business. The plan has to be result oriented and has to cover following important aspects:

* Your product range

* Your vendors

* The targeted market

* Equipment you require for your business

2. Explore

In order to buy the right kind of equipment for your business, it is important to explore the market. You need to find the right manufacturer from whom you can buy the equipment to be used in your mobile catering business.

3. Test and Negotiate

The equipment used for your business should be purchased from reliable manufacturers. This will ensure proper functionality of the equipment as well as less chances of trouble in the future. However, please test the equipment carefully before buying it.

4. Legal Documents

It is important to get your business documents in proper order. Check if every thing is legal and documented and then only start your mobile catering business.

5. Optimism

Optimism is the virtue you need to abide. Think positive and make sure that you improve every day by learning from the mistakes you commit.

Following all these measures, you surely will do well in your mobile catering business. - 24553

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Cleveland's Best Happy Hours

By Dennis Gartland

Lolita 5-6:30 pm and 9:30 pm to close Tuesday through Thursday; 5-6 pm and 10:30 p. to close Saturday. 4-6:30 pm. Sunday Lolita is one of Michael Symon's (of the food network) first restraints. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is only $2 and there are several dishes for only $5. I went with my sister and we ordered the mac and cheese and The Lolita Burger. I have to say it is the best mac and cheese I have ever had.

Lincoln Park Pub - Tacos $1.25; Mex beers, $2.25; margaritas, $3.25Taco Tuesdays, 3 p.m.-midnight. The Tacos are made on homemade taco shells. If you like very hot food try the morning after tacos.

Momocho has very good and unique food. From 5-6:30 pm daily they have 1/2 off taquitos and margaritas plus a great deal on Tecate. Happy Hour is only at the bar, but it has a very nice patio.

Blind Pig - Pizza and wings for $5; 23 ounce beers $2.50, 4-9 daily. The pizzas are pretty big for $5, big enough for two people at least. The beer special includes imports. Great place to go and watch a game.

Light Bistro -4:30-7 p.m. daily, Cocktails starting at $3. Food plates are $5. This is one of the Best Restaurants in Ohio. It is nice to be able to stop in for an after hour bite, but it seams a better idea to go for dinner.

Liquid - 4-8 daily. Half off drinks and bottled beers. The atmosphere is cool and the clientele is young professional. Nice place to grab a beer. The food is very good and easy on the budget. The beer selection is impressive.

Paladar 4-7 p.m. daily, Beer $3, mojitos and margaritas $5; Latin appetizers $2 to $4. This place has a great atmosphere and very good food. - 24553

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Top Washington DC Restaurants

By Michael Sasaki

Take a look at some of the top restaurants in Washington DC

Juniper at the Fairmont Washington DC Restaurant - Fairmont at Washington D.C. is situated right next to the historic Georgetown. The hotel was recently renovated at a whopping $12million cost. The hotel has an open, sunny lobby and a beautiful central garden courtyard. With spacious rooms and an informal restaurant which serves mind blowing mid-Atlantic fare, the hotel is a must-visit for anyone travel close to Washington DC. The health club and kid-centric areas like pool, coloring corner and babysitting area are the best features of this restaurant.

Jaleo " Jaleo offers excellent Spanish food items with special mention on manchego salad and shrimp varieties. True to its name, which means uproar, the hotel is always filled with people who love Spanish foods. In Jaleo one can find a full bar, outdoor dining, take outs, weekend brunches and even, wheelchair access for the needy. 5-7 PM on every Mondays is a must-visit time because thats when they

Zaytinya Zaytinya is a unique name and so is the food that is served in this restaurant. It is a four-star restaurant that provides delicious Mediterranean food varieties. The restaurant has been awarded the Fodors Choice and Wine Spectator Award of Excellence awards. The place is always live with live music, delicious food, full bar, brunches, fine wine etc., and many other things that are great tourist attractions. The restaurant is a great hang out for friends.

Lauriol Plaza - The Lauriol Plaza is large restaurant that is always full of tourists and local people. You can find tables placed in the sidewalks, on the rooftop deck and in the two-tiered dining room. The hotel offers specialized Spanish food like margaritas, grilled meat and tasty camarones diablo (six broiled jumbo shrimp seasoned with spices). The Lauriol Plaza is the best place to head for Sunday mid-day food fiestas.

During vacation times ensure to pay a visit to these places to have delicious Spanish, Mediterranean and other continental foods. Happy Vacationing! - 24553

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Quick and Easy Vegetarian Lunches - Simple Vegetarian Meals

By Laura Cokherell

Vegetarian lunches are probably one the easiest meals to make and a healthy meal choice any time. There are so many options that come together quickly and easily to make quick lunches whenever you need them. Here are a few suggestions for simple vegetarian meals.

With just a few ingredients from any grocery store, these easy vegetarian recipes require just a minimum of preparation and make putting together vegetarian lunches easier than you might think.

Try mixing some plain yogurt (soy or regular) with your favorite fresh fruit, cut into pieces, along with a drizzle of honey or agave syrup, and some chopped nuts. Swirl it all together and serve with toasted bread slices or some whole grain crackers.

Steamed edamame beans combined with chopped red bell peppers, jicama cubes, and pitted black olives tossed in an olive oil vinaigrette served along with a small bowl of cooked rice drizzled with some soy sauce and lemon juice

For a really quick meal, serve up a cooked vegetarian hotdog or burger on a whole grain bun with some flavorful toppings (ketchup, mustard, sliced pickles, tomato slices, cheese, etc.) and serve with a simple side dish of steamed vegetables tossed with some olive oil, vinegar, and salt and pepper.

You could also take the cooked burger or hotdog and cut it up and place it in a bowl with mixed salad greens, pickle slices, diced tomatoes, and some shredded cheese and toss with Italian dressing and serve along with a cup of soup.

Try this easy tofu spread for lunch. Simply combine drained and mashed soft tofu with some of your favorite chutney, or salsa, or a mustard and mayonnaise combination. Serve this tofu spread on toasted English muffins and top with some flavor accents like capers, chopped walnut pieces, chopped, pitted black olives, or chopped fresh herbs. Add a slice of cheese on top if desired and place in a microwave or toaster oven just until the cheese melts. Serve sandwich with baked potato chips and a piece of fruit.

A salad of canned black beans (rinsed and drained), corn kernels, chopped tomatoes, chopped walnuts, chopped fresh cilantro, and rice vinegar all tossed together makes a quick lunch. Add some warm rolls and whipped cream cheese spread for a simple side.

A sandwich always makes a quick lunch meal. Use some cheese slices on whole grain bread and top with thinly sliced tomatoes, sprouts, fresh basil leaves, and thin slices of avocado. Serve a bowl of vegetable soup and baked sweet potato chips on the side.

Take two slices of crusty bread, toast, and spread one side of one slice with mustard and the other slice with some basil pesto. Layer the mustard side with thinly sliced baked tofu and top with some marinated artichoke hearts (drained) and a slice of sharp cheddar cheese. Place the sandwich under a broiler or into a microwave or toaster oven just until the cheese melts and then top the sandwich with the other slice of bread. Serve sandwich with celery and carrot sticks and baked potato chips. - 24553

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Heartburn Doesn't Have To Be Your Constant Companion

By Gary Rogers

You just want to go away fast! That painful burning sensation that is welling up from your stomach into your lower chest, if it would just go away. You know you shouldn't have eaten such a big meal but it was so good. To late, now what should you do about it. For many people who suffer from Heartburn these are familiar words and all they want is a Heartburn home remedy.

At the opening between the esophagus and the stomach a valve or gate is situated which opens to let food in from the esophagus to the stomach. After food has been swallowed and enters the stomach the valve closes. If the valve is weakened and does not close properly, stomach acid or strong digestive acid from the stomach will make its way up the esophagus and irritate.

Heartburn is also known as acid reflux.The condition occurs when acid or contents of your stomach back up in the gullet or (esophagus). The pain occurs usually after a large meal, lying down, or bending over and can be accompanied with a bitter or sour taste in your mouth and throat.Heartburn is sometimes known as indigestion, sour stomach, acid regurgitation or pyrosis and can play havoc with sleeping, swallowing, burping or bloating, and in some cases chronic cough and choking episodes.

Heartburn occurs when the valve or gate between the esophagus and stomach closes too slowly after swallowing, allowing stomach acid to penetrate up through the esophagus. Learning Heartburn Foods To Avoid would make the stomach less acidic leading to less discomforts like bloating, nausea, belching, passing gas, heartburn, Indigestion. For a more permanent relief some knowledge of a lifestyle change are in order and you can do much to relieve your suffering with this.

Heartburn Foods To Avoid would start first and foremost of smaller amounts of food more often and more slowly. If stress triggers heartburn, rest before meals. Cutback on cucumbers, onions, cabbage and its family, garlic, alcohol, beans, coffee (decaffeinated and regular), tea, spices, dairy products, fatty fried foods, tomato and tomato based foods, colas. You can eliminate any of these and bring them back slowly into your diet to see which food bothers you. If painful symptoms show no marked improvement or recur frequently after meals, possibly vomiting, bloody stools, or even loss of appetite it would be wise to see your doctor - 24553

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dine at a Fancy Restaurant Economically

In this current troubled economic period, many people have had to trim their budgets to make ends meet. Many people think that eating at fancy restaurants is one activity they have to eliminate from their budget. Fortunately, there are things you can do to greatly reduce your restaurant bill if you dine at a fancy restaurant.

1. The most expensive time to eat at a fancy restaurant is during the evening. To get a much cheaper meal, have lunch at an expensive restaurant. Most restaurants offer scaled down meals at lunch time at a much cheaper price. It is important to find out when the lunch hours end and dinner hours begin so you don't end up paying for a dinner meal.

2. Many fancy restaurants will offer special promotions in the newspaper where they will provide a coupon for a discount on a dinner. Make sure you check the local newspaper to see if there are any special discounts being offered by a fancy restaurant.

3. Some fancy restaurants will offer a type of "happy hour" such as between 4:00pm and 6:00pm. During this time they will offer inexpensive items from their regular menu. This type of promotion may be offered in a lounge area.

4. Many fancy restaurants will offer brunch on certain days such as Sunday. They may have a buffet or special discounts on meals. These meals are usually much cheaper than their standard dinner meals. Don't forget about cheap breakfast and brunch menus on during the off-season.

5. Fancy restaurants will have delicious appetizers. You can orders several different appetizers and share them with a friend or spouse.

6. Share the entree with the person you are dining with. Entrees can often be such dishes as a platter of different types of food such as seafood.

7. Considering drinking water instead of soda or alcohol. These beverages are expensive so drinking only water will cut down on the price of the meal. You can squeeze a little lemon in it for flavor.

8. If it is possible, order and eat an appetizer before you place your order. You will then be somewhat full and will be less likely to order more food than you need.

9. Desserts at a fancy restaurant can be very expensive. You can cut down on your dining bill if you cut out the desserts.

10. A great way to make the most out of an expensive meal is to take leftovers home. If you have enough food, you will have a meal at home the next day. Consider this option when reviewing the menu.

11. Eat a snack before you go to the restaurant. Such food as carrot or apple pieces will satisfy some hunger so you won't over order. Consider it an appetizer.

Eating at a fancy restaurant does not have to blow your monthly budget. Just practice a couple of cost cutting tips and you can have a great meal at a great price. - 24553

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beer Brewing : Join A Home Brew Club

By Luke Porter

Making your own alcoholic drinks can be fun and challenging at the same time, and will not take up a lot of time or space. Usually one burner on your stove will be enough space, except for storage, and in about two hours, up to five gallons of home brew can be in the keg or ready for bottling.

Are you interested in home brewing? Maybe you have already followed up that interest and have already brewed some alcoholic beverages at your own home. Either way, you may want to consider joining a home brew club. There will more than likely be a home brew club near you and, if you live in a well populated area, you may even have specialist ones for beer, wine or spirit drinks.

Many times people follow directions for so long they tend to ignore the possibility there are other ways of doing things. Different methods and different ingredients can be used to achieve a whole range of different results. By joining a home brew club, you will access to the successful methods and ingredients that other home brewers have come across. The sharing of information and tips is just half of the home brew club equation though, the other half being the sharing amongst members of each others finished products.

You will be able to ask questions to more experienced brewers and run ideas past them to see if they think a particular technique will work before you try it yourself. Others in the home brew club may have already tried and failed and can offer advice on how to do things correctly.

Though competition is intense amongst experienced home brewers, newcomers are welcomed with open arms. Sharing knowledge and experience is part of the home brew club culture. Whether beer, wine or straight alcohol, sharing tips with new brewers are what some of the more experienced brewers do best.

A few times a year, you will probably find that regional competitions get organized, at which home brewers from a particular area have their best work judged. You will be going up against some pretty experienced people should you enter but do not let that put you off. This is one type of competition in which taking part is truly more important than winning. You are guaranteed to have great time! - 24553

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Adding Acai Berries For Healthy Weight Loss!

By Sandra K Martin

The FDA just announced the recall of a popular diet supplement. It was recalled because of connections to instances of "serious liver damage and at least one death". This is just one more incident in a long list of recalls of weight loss supplements due to possible serious side effects.

In our society, being overweight has become somewhat of an epidemic. Food is abundant, most of us work at sedentary jobs, and while the majority of people know that they should exercise and maybe even want to exercise, there are many of us that just don't. We eat excessively, we exercise too little and our waistlines continue to expand.

This is why so many people try these potentially detrimental weight loss supplements. They want a quick fix. However, many of these supplements have turned out to be extremely damaging for our bodies. Heart damage, lung damage, liver damage and more have been attributed to different diet supplements.

Losing weight can be greatly advantageous to your health. Many health problems are linked to being overweight yet many weight loss supplements are just as damaging to your health as being overweight and some may even be more so as our livers and our hearts are exceptionally important to our lives. Perhaps if would be useful if we would consider good health as the goal rather than just weight loss.

Nature has provided us with foods that give us excellent nutrition. Human bodies react very positively to optimal nutrition. Our bodies perform at their highest levels when they have the necessary nutrients to do so. Cravings can be caused be a deficiency of nutrients. Give your body the nutrition that it needs and your cravings often cease.

Optimal nutrition also provides us the energy we require to exercise, workout and live our lives to the maximum. Provide your body outstanding nutrition and weight loss will absolutely come easier and be more effortless.

The acai berry from the rainforests of Brazil can give our bodies optimal nutrition. This is why this little berry has been shown to be so useful for weight loss. As a weight loss supplement, the safety and nutritional levels of acai berry products is unparalleled.

But the best part of all is that this little berry is totally natural as it is a fruit found in nature. Supplementing with acai berry products will help you lose weight in a healthy manner without worrying about any lasting detriment to your body. You will just be providing excellent nutrition and that is what your body needs. You will likely lose weight, too! - 24553

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Three Reasons To Own Your Own Panini Maker

By Chef Ichibanda

Tired of same old soggy lunch meat sandwich? If you're like me, I'm sick of eating the same boring, square, barely passable meal. Then I found the Panini which is a delicious, crispy, healthy sandwich. There are so many reasons to get your own Panini maker and start making your own delicious creations.

Panini is actually Italian and is not a grilled sandwich in Italy. Everywhere else a Panini is grilled to delicious perfection. The word in its singular form is panino and Panini is plural. Well just continue to call it a Panini; I guess Ill just have to eat two.

A Panini press or maker is a electricity powered sandwich cooker. Its similar in design to a waffle iron in that it has two hot sides that grill the sandwich to delicious perfection. They come in several sizes too depending on your needs. If you serve many or just yourself there is a Panini maker that's just right for you.

If you're watching your caloric intake then paninis make for a great nutritious meal. Utilizing vegetables, lean meats such as chicken or turkey, and whole grain bread will allow you to construct the perfect dieters meal without the diet taste. Why is will it taste so good? Well the panini press or maker will heat the sandwich through and through making the wonderful, and healthy, juices of the meat and veggies mix together. You won't believe how wonderful it tastes.

Great for people on the go. Since people are shorter on time now than ever before getting a great, nutritious meal in a short time is hard to come by. Panini makers can have a delicious sandwich ready in minutes. How you say? You plug in the panini press, pop in the veggies and meat into your favorite bread, brush the bread with olive oil or butter and close the press. You have your sandwich in minutes.

Experimentation: You'll have the opportunity to experiment with your favorite flavors and combine them to make the perfect Panini. Try out any type of filling you like and construct a one of a kind flavor. Don't limit yourself to meat and veggies either. Try different sauces or even sweet fruit fillings to construct hot desserts. - 24553

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Learning About Wine Glasses

By Lilly Fiser

An essential part of the wine tasting experience is using the correct wine glasses. The proper wine glass will enhance the flavor of the wine being tasted dramatically. Wine glasses were created very purposely and their shape provides function.

A red wine glass consists of the base, stem, and a large round bowl with a wide mouth. The shape of the bowl is used to enhance the wine bouquet, thus enhancing the flavor. The wide mouth allows you to sip the red wine so you can taste it at the front of your mouth where it is meant to be tasted.

The surface area of the bowl of the red wine glass helps to oxygenate and allows for a greater surface area to evaporate the wine. The character of red wine is strong and bold and the bowl allows for this taste to come through. Another function of the large bowl is to be used to hold the glass, keeping the wine at the desired room temperature.

White wine glasses are encompassed of the same components as the red wine glasses with a few differences in size and shape. White wine is a much more delicate wine and the white wine glass has a tall and narrow bowl in order to focus the bouquet directly. The stem of the white wine glass is also taller, allowing for the consumer to hold the glass by the stem which allows the white wine to stay at the preferred cooler temperatures.

The mouth of white wine glasses is narrow providing for the wine to be tossed onto the back of the palette by making you tilt your head back in order to drink it. The region of the mouth where you taste the wine is crucial to the overall experience.

Champagne is also another type of wine requiring its own specially designed glass. This special glass is called the champagne flute. Flutes are tall and narrow which allows for the bubbles and effervescence of the champagne to last longer.

Wine glasses are very important on more than one level and are not just for holding your wine but for perfecting the taste of the wine as well. Wine should always be paired with its perfect wine glass in order to experience wine tasting to the fullest. Something else you can do with wine is to pair it with the perfect food.

White wine goes beautifully with all types of seafood. Red wine can be paired wonderfully with red meat and even chocolate! Experiment with wine to find your perfect combination, but just remember to use the right wine glasses! - 24553

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

What Are the Benefits of Pure Cane Sugar Over High Fructose Corn Syrup?

By David Marcheschi

Across the globe, citizens are consuming record amounts of soda, energy drinks, and other caffeinated beverages to get them through the day. Growing health concerns concerning certain sweeteners used in these products have prompted drink manufacturers to create newer all natural versions to lower the health risks of popular beverages in order to maintain profits and alleviate the concerns of consumers and health professionals. However, not all all natural products are created equal. The use of sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup and Ace-K have prompted a debate in both the additives safety and effectiveness.

What is Pure Cane Sugar?

Pure Cane Sugar is sugar that has undergone less processing and is often more brown in color than Refined Sugar (the white stuff, also known as Table Sugar). You often find Pure Cane Sugar in health food stores and the Natural aisles in your grocery stores. While Pure Cane Sugar (or Dehydrated Cane Juice) can definitely not be described as being good for you because it is a sweetener, on a scale of bad to less bad, Pure Cane Sugar is one of the better sweeteners you can choose. Because of this, Pure Cane Sugar is often included as the sweetener in beverages that carry the label Natural.

What is High Fructose Corn Syrup?

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is essentially corn syrups that have undergone processing to increase their fructose content to make them sweeter. This way, less goes a lot further, which makes HFCS a more affordable sweetener than sugar; and especially Pure Cane Sugar. These processing methods also give High Fructose Corn Syrup a longer shelf life than sugar, which is a great bonus to manufacturers.

HFCS can be found in everything from soft drinks to canned goods, even if the item is labeled "all natural". For this reason, it is important to check all food labels to be sure that the "natural" product you are purchasing is actually made from natural ingredients. If HFCS is labeled, the product is not entirely natural.

Heated debates regarding the safety of high fructose corn syrup have been waged by many health organizations, primarily because it is believed HFCS may be a huge contributor in the current obesity epidemic. This is because high fructose corn syrup is processed differently by the body than sugar, and due to its unnatural composition, causes the brain to fail to recognize a feeling of fullness. This results in overeating when consuming products which contain HFCS, and because so many products have this sweetener in them, its hard to know which foods are safe. It is also theorized that HFCS may cause the body to produce more fat than usual, resulting in weight gain.

Of course there are other studies saying that HFCS is just the same as table sugar in the effect it has on the body and doesnt contribute to obesity any more than sugar. And again, it is important to remember that sweeteners overall, whether its High Fructose Corn Syrup, Pure Cane Sugar, or any other sweetener, arent the best for your body, especially in large amounts. After all, The World Health Organization recommends that only 10% of your daily calories come from sugar. Based on the average 2,000 calorie diet, thats only 50 grams of sugar per day you should be ingesting, and less is preferable!

Acesulfame Potassium or Ace-K

One of the less talked about sweeteners in the Sweetener Debate is Acesulfame potassium, also known as Ace K. Ace K is a calorie free sweetener along the same lines of aspartame and sucralose. Many diet sodas and other diet beverages contain Ace K as a sweetener because it enables them to give their products a sweet taste without additional calories.

In many products, like soft drinks, Ace K is used along with other 0 calorie sweeteners like sucralose or aspartame because the blend of these sweeteners makes a more palatable taste than any one of them used alone.

For diabetics, Ace-K and other artificial sweeteners are especially appealing because they do not raise blood sugar. They also do not contribute to tooth decay as sugar can. These characteristics pose health benefits to those suffering from blood sugar and dental problems, however Ace-K and all similar products should still be used in extreme moderation.

In the end, while one sweetener may seem to have less negative effects than another, any sweetener is best when consumed sparingly. Most importantly though, read the labels on the products that you buy, so that regardless of the sweetener in the beverage you choose, you can monitor how much sweetener of any kind youre putting in your system. - 24553

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Friday, October 2, 2009

Sexy And Thin Arms With Low Calorie Sweeteners

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you like sugar and want to get sexy arms, you're in for a long ride. But not all hope is lost. How so? Because of artificial sweeteners. They give you all the taste without the arm fat gain.

Sounds great, right?

Well, the main issue here is that a growing body of evidence is beginning to show that low calorie sweeteners have a whole host of negative side effects.

So here is the truth behind thin arms and artificial sweeteners:

1. Studies have shown higher cancer rates. By how much? 30%! Only the highest intakes of sweeteners showed this increase, however. So don't freak out. The key here is to practice moderation, and if possible, elimination.

2. Companies hide them in many products. In order to avoid the strange aftertastes, most companies will load their low calorie products with many different artificial sweeteners. The more sweeteners, the less aftertaste.

3. Safety studies have been short term. All studies showing the safety of sweeteners have been very short term. Even worse, they have been conducted by the companies themselves. Very little unbiased research is out there right now.

4. Aspartame was found to be toxic in rodents. The largest rodent study to have ever been conducted found that aspartame (i.e., equal or NutraSweet) increases rates of various cancers. And the legal limit for aspartame consumption in the United States and Europe is twice the amount given to the rodents.

5. Natural doesn't necessarily mean healthy. Stevia is a sweetener that is marketed as being all natural and therefore healthier. Studies, however, have shown that it turns into a mutagen within the intestine.

At the end of the day, we still don't know how safe artificial sweeteners are. My personal advice would be to not take the risk and eliminate them as much as possible from your diet. After all, getting thin arms doesn't have to be unhealthy. In fact, it should increase your health. And remember: do not pay attention to all the marketing hype. Only pay attention to peer reviewed research. - 24553

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Special Cup for Espresso

By Claude Kelley

Every morning people are usually looking for the aroma of coffee. Coffee has been part of most people's morning rituals at the breakfast table. Even on their free time outside their home, they usually look for a coffee shop and enjoy a specially made hot or cold coffee. To make the coffee time more fun, cups - whether disposable or not are creatively designed.

Espresso got its name from the process that the coffee beans have to undergo. These dark coffee beans are being placed in a special machine where they will be pressed out. In Italian, espresso means "pressed out". If the process is successfully done, a rich dark coffee with froth on top is what will be served to you using espresso cups.

The usual size of an espresso cup is 2-3 ounce. Originally made from porcelain and never goes without a saucer, an espresso cup is presented in a plain white color. For a change, it also becomes digitally printed. The traditional and true espresso cup called demitasse has a hand-painted design.

Since espresso cups have various designs, you can choose your very own cup that will go with who you are. Whether you are a simple one, the plain white is going to be perfect for you. If you want to add some twist to your cup, you may choose the glossy colored ones. For a more exciting cup design that matches your enthusiastic behavior, those printed ones are right for you and enjoy your next espresso time.

The handle of the espresso cups are the usual part of the cup that is commonly being styled. Not all cups are rounded; some of them have square handle and others have curved handle. The rim of the cup also varies. You can enjoy sipping the coffee in a rounded or square-shaped rim.

Whether you are drinking your espresso at home, in a restaurant, or in a caf, part of the coffee serving is its presentation. Aside from the optional toppings that you want to add in your coffee, the design of the cup also counts. Digital-painted, traditional hand-painted, plain, or colored - this factor adds an impact the cup.

Beautiful scenery for instance is among the designs being used to make the cup more enjoyable to use. You may find some espresso cups having a white background and the word "espresso" in black letters is written around it. It can also be the other way round. You may also have the other glossy plain colored cup or own a cup in its traditional mocha color.

If you do not fancy having a porcelain espresso cup, you may want to try the glass one such as the Assam double wall espresso cups or a stainless steel espresso cup. Whatever your choice may be, most of them have the same function and that is to keep your coffee hot while you enjoy it. - 24553

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