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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Green Tea Is Powerful For Health - Here's Why

/ On : 1:46 AM

By Arthur Goldberry

Scientists have been studying green tea for years, and they keep finding new and amazing benefits. Green tea would be popular no matter what considering the millions who love tea; however what makes green tea so valuable are all the amazing health benefits found within this plant. Green tea can be consumed either as the tea or in capsule form; and to see the maximum benefits you should take it every day. There are so many benefits found in green tea, and we'll only talk about a few because we don't have space to talk about all of them - so enjoy!

Losing weight is the first topic of discussion, and yes; green tea can actually help you in that area. Diet pills and the like all have some kind of artificially added stimulant property in them. Well, one aspect of green tea is that it has natural stimulants in it which serve to boost your metabolism. It's self-reinforcing because the natural fat burner effect will help, but you'll also have a more energetic feeling. So, when you begin taking green tea you'll notice a higher feeling of energy, and then you just may want to get up and do something like maybe some exercise.

Yes, green tea naturally produces some strong antioxidants that are extremely helpful to neutralize toxins and poisons in your body. Green tea has been implicated as effective against certain types of cancer, plus the antioxidants help keep you free from many types of toxins. One antioxidant we'd like to mention because it's so powerful is EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) which can serve your body in many healthy ways. That is the same as what you'll find in vegetables and fruit, although there are obvious differences, etc. Perhaps 3 or 4 cups of green tea during your day, and then of course have some fruits and vegetables with meals, etc.

We've only covered a few of the many ways in which green tea can support you in good health. If you prefer, you can just follow suit as the Chinese and Japanese and drink the hot tea. But we understand lots of people prefer cold drinks in the summer, and you can make iced tea out of green tea, no problems. But yet again some people don't want to be bothered with making the tea, and for those they can just buy supplement capsules. If you're one who cannot take caffeine, then just look for the decaffeinated variety because it is made. One approach is consuming the regular strength version at work during the day, and then after hours drink the decaffeinated tea. Those are just ideas, and you are the only one who knows the best thing to do for you.

It's extremely likely that when more research is performed on green tea, the most will be found. You can avail yourself of the many powerful benefits of the mighty green tea. You can help yourself even more by doing some exercise plus eating in a more healthy manner. You can make progress faster than you think if you begin to have a few cups a day. - 24553

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