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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Usana Active Calcium - Prevents Osteoporosis and Enhances Bone Health

/ On : 1:54 AM

By Angela Giles

Usana Health Sciences manufactures high quality nutritional and dietary supplements. Its calcium supplement is marketed under the name of Usana Active Calcium which promotes healthy bones and acts as an effective antidote for bone related problems like osteoporosis.

Our bones are essentially composed of calcium. There is a continuous process which is going on that removes and re-deposits calcium in the bones. They only appear to be solid but are continuously changing. The body's prominent source of calcium is milk along with other dairy products like cheese and butter-milk. If one's diet fails to provide the necessary calcium, the body extracts it from the bones, effectively making them less dense and porous.

Osteoporosis, which results from a life-long calcium deficiency, is a condition of reduced BMD (Bone Mineral Density). This make the person susceptible to bone fractures with the slightest of accidents. Osteoporosis is quite common in women post menopause. Health statistics show that millions of fifty-plus American men and women suffer from this bone disease. However, adequate supplementation of calcium from early years can decrease the risk to a large extent.

Calcium is not only important in maintaining bone health, but it also supports several important functions such as muscle behavior, cell division, neuro-transmission in nerve cells and clotting of blood. It also controls various enzymes and hormones that are responsible for digestion and metabolism of energy.

Usana Active Calcium is a complete bone health formulation in addition to being a calcium supplement. It contains calcium and magnesium in the ratio of 2:1 along with Vit-D, Vit-K, silicon and boron which are necessary for the formation and mineralization of bones. Vit-D and silicon stimulate calcium absorption and calcium utilization during bone formation. Vit-K is the key actor in increasing bone density while boron controls the removal and deposition of calcium on the bones.

All ingredients of Usana Active Calcium are in a bioavailable form and are manufactured according to U.S.P guidelines for potency and purity. The tablets, with differing dosage, are recommended for individuals of all ages over 7 years. For youngsters, who are fond of colas and sodas rather than milk and cheese, there is a chewable version also called BodyRox Active Calcium Chewable.

If you take Usana Active Calcium supplement on a regular basis, then your chances of getting osteoporosis in later life are significantly reduced. You will be able to live with healthy bones all your life. - 24553

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