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Sunday, February 28, 2010

The History Long and Incomparable Love of Mothers

By Michael Parker

Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Mother's Day? Well, save for the fact that we feel we must honor our mothers for their incomparable love. The Mother's Day celebration in the United States was first observed thanks to Anna Jarvis. Although it doesn't have a commercial impact then, the Mother's day we observe today became one of the Hallmark Holiday. The giving of Mother's Day gifts is a manifestation of it having a commercial purpose.

In ancient Greece, a festival to honor Cybele was observed every March 15 to March 18. This celebration started from the Vernal Equinox around Asia Minor and eventually in Rome. Cybele is the great mother of Greek god. To mark this celebration, Mother's Day gifts were given in her honor.

Moreover, in Rome, there is an ancient Holiday called Matronalia and was dedicated to Juno an ancient Roman goddess, the protector and special counselor of the state. She is a daughter of Saturn and sister (but also the wife) of the chief god Jupiter and the mother of Mars, Minerva and Vulcan. Mothers during those times were also given Mother's Day gifts.

The Anglican and Catholic denomination of the Christian religion also hold records of Mother's Day celebration. It is observed during the fourth Sunday of the Lent season to commemorate the immeasurable love of the Virgin Mary and in honor of the mother church. It is called the Mothering Sunday or Laetare Sunday in the liturgical calendar. Giving Mother's Day gifts and ridding the mothers of their tasks like cleaning the house and cooking mark the observance of this celebration.

Mother's Day in the United States also has a political background. On 1870, Julia Ward Howe wrote the Mother's Day Proclamation as a pacifist reaction to the effect of wars namely the American Civil War and the Franco-Russian War. It was one of the earliest calls to celebrate Mother's Day in the United States. Mother's Day gifts were also given to thank the American mothers for their undying devotion during the country's war dominated era. - 24553

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

If You Rave About Spaghetti Carbonara Then You'll Want This !

By Steve S Lobston

Spaghetti, Carbonara is an Italian pasta dish based on eggs, pecorino romano, guanciale, and black pepper. The dish was developed in the middle of the 20th century.

The recipes vary, however all agree that cheese (Parmesan, pecorino, or a mixture), egg yolks (or whole eggs), cured fatty pork, and black pepper are fundamental. The pork is fried in fat (olive oil or lard); a mixture of eggs, cheese, and butter or olive oil is combined with the hot pasta, cooking the eggs; the pork is then added to the pasta. Guanciale is the most traditional meat, but pancetta is usually used. In the US, it is more often than not made with American bacon.

Cream is not usual in Italian recipes, but is used in the United States, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Australia and Russia (especially in Moscow). Other Anglo/Franco variations on carbonara can include peas, broccoli or other vegetables added for colour Yet another American version includes mushrooms. A lot of these preparations have more sauce than the Italian versions.

In all versions of the recipe, the eggs are added to the sauce raw, and cook (coagulate) with the heat of the pasta itself.

Try this spicey version !

This spicy interpretation of spaghetti carbonara is made with common ingredients including bacon, garlic, black pepper, red pepper, parmesan cheese, olive oil, cream, and eggs.

Serves 8

Ingredients for Spicy Spaghetti Carbonara:

1 pound bacon (cut into 1/2 inch pieces)

2 pounds spaghetti or other pasta

2 pasteurized eggs (equivalent of 2 eggs, pasteurized)

1/8 pound grated parmesan cheese

16 ounces whipping cream (1 pint)

3 tbsp butter or olive oil (or mixture of two)

2 tsp Red Wine Vinegar

1 clove Garlic (minced)

1 tsp Crushed Red Pepper (or more to taste)

1 tbsp Black Pepper (or more to taste)


Bring a large pot of water to a boil whilst cooking the bacon.

Cook the bacon until it begins to get crisp and most of the fat has cooked out. Drain the fat. Add the butter or olive oil, garlic, and black pepper. Contunue cooking for 3 to 5 more minutes.

Add the pasta to the water and cook as directed. Meanwhile, add the cream and vinegar to the bacon, stir and cook over medium heat until the sauce thickens (it should be the right consistency at about the same time that the pasta is ready). While the sauce is thickening (and the pasta cooking) thoroughly blend the eggs with the red pepper and grated cheese.

When the pasta is ready, drain, and put in a serving bowl. Add the egg and cheese mixture and toss. While tossing, add the bacon and cream sauce. It is superb. Hope you enjoy ! - 24553

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Is surgery really the answer?

It never hurts to start off with a few simple truths. If it was easy to lose weight by eating less, there would be no obesity. If exercise burns off unwanted pounds, everyone would get off their couches and lose those potatoes. But life is never straightforward when it comes to losing weight and, more importantly, preventing the pounds from sneaking back when we are not looking. So what's the problem? The Jesuits have a saying, "Give me the boy until the age of seven, and I will give you the man." Put another way, as we grow up, we are surrounded by role models and authority figures who show us and instruct us on how to fit in and live our lives successfully. This so-called socialization process is largely complete by the age of seven. We have absorbed all the social rules for fitting into our culture and it takes a major effort to unlearn all these habits later in life.

So what's the problem? Well, here comes another simple truth. The portion sizes sold as suitable for children in the US are the same as the adult portions in Europe. The portion given to adults in the US would feed an entire family in many other parts of the world. But, by the time we are seven, our expectations have been set. The eyes see the amount everyone eats as normal. The stomach is trained to accept this quantity - anything less and hunger pangs make life uncomfortable. So, if as an adult, someone tells you to eat less, you are being advised to act in a way that strikes you as fundamentally abnormal. You will suddenly stand out in social activities as the person who asks for less food when visiting friends for a meal or when ordering food in a fast food outlet. Even if you accept the label of eccentric, then comes the hunger pangs and your morale crumbles. Your mind may be strong, but your body betrays you.

Weight loss surgery is increasingly seen as an option by health insurance companies. They recover the cost in between two and four years through avoiding the need to pay for the treatment of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and so on. The procedures physically limit the amount of food your stomach can hold. No matter what your expectations, you physically cannot eat the same amount of food. The average cost of full surgery is $26,000. Keyhole surgery costs about $17,000. But this is not cosmetic surgery. It is a drastic measure and most doctors refuse it unless you are genuinely overweight and have consistently failed to lose weight any other way. That means you should diet, exercise and use acomplia. In clinical trials, the participants lost an average 10% of their body weight over a 12 month period. This represents a significant reduction but it may still not bring you down to a low BMI. More importantly, maintaining the weight loss is a real challenge. So, if your medical insurance will cover the cost and your doctor agrees, you should consider surgery if your BMI is above 30. Otherwise, buy acomplia and use it as part of a consistent low-calorie diet. Either way, your weight will fall.

Young adults using ED drugs

The Texas Rangers slugger Rafael Palmerio is 37 years old and he will not admit to having erection troubles. But he appears in ads promoting the ED drug. People started to wonder if he really suffers dysfunctions or if Pfizer, the company making this drug, wants to encourage young men to try it just for fun.

It's true that penile dysfunction is more usual among older men, but lots of potential consumers are barely senior - around 40% of 40-year-old-males in the USA have certain degree of ED. Most of the today's consumers are in early to middle 50s.

Myron Murdock, urologist and the Impotence Institute of America director, states these males are probable to consume ED drugs because they want to have a superior sexual performance. Murdock also states that a younger man "wants his V-12 Jaguar to work just perfectly," though an older man can be having less reliable erections. Moreover, younger men's sexual partners want them to have a great performance in the bed, as stated by Murdock.

Most young men have normal sexual performance, but Murdock says there are problems that can come up even in teenage years. Arteries hardening that limits blood flow to the phallus is one of them, so when the young man reaches his 20s, his capability to attain and maintain an erection has already started to decrease. Murdock is also sure that young men seeking ED drugs for recreational use have some problems with erection.

It is also known that some of these drugs can reduce the period it takes a male to recover after intercourse and be prepared for the next round. This is referred to as "refractory period." Usually it lasts 20 minutes or so. One magazine has published a research in 2000 that found out that this period can be shortened to 10 minutes in healthy individuals.

The thing that Viagra and similar drugs can't do is augment your sexual desire or make you reach orgasm if you have problems with attaining it.

Although you might wan to request Viagra or something similar from one of the multiple web shops, you shouldn't. If you want to use these drugs, you have to bring your physician into your sexual life.

When you purchase from web pharmacies, you only have to answer several questions before proceeding to the checkout page. If you answer frankly, the questionnaire can have some probable difficulties. Anyway, pharmacists who complete your request don't know your clinical history. Erectile dysfunction can have serious underlying reasons, like hear disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, or liver disease. Ordering Viagra online can result in some severe problems.

These drugs may also make intercourse better for women. Same as the penis, the clitoris is an erectile tissue. By augmenting blood flow to it, ED drugs can increase female's sensitivity and sexual excitement. As well, it seems to augment vaginal lubrication.

The FDA hasn't approved Viagra for females, but it seems it's only a matter of time. Some doctors do prescribe things like Viagra to women and that is absolutely legal. Doctors can act at their judgment. The studies performed on ED drugs for safety and efficiency in women have also displayed good results to this point. So, it seems women will also use ED drugs like men.

Plain talking about heart attacks

One of the entertainments in everyday life is to watch the endless cycles of urban myths. They start as whispers, slowly build in volume and then roar around the community for a few days or weeks until we all get bored. Then people start whispering a new myth. One of the more common themes is sex and, because we all like our stories to be slightly macabre, death and sex gets the biggest laughs. Have you heard the one about the man who died on top. The rigor mortis set in fast and, were it not for the weight pressing down on her, the woman said she'd never enjoyed an erection so hard and long-lasting. Such stories feed into all the fears and insecurities we have following a stroke or heart attack. Family and friends tell us to "take it easy" and not overexert ourselves. But the medical profession would not necessarily agree. It all depends on your physical condition. If you have been a couch potato, carry too much weight, have a high cholesterol level, are stressed and smoke, the risk of a second heart attack is high. But for the rest, exercise is good for you. It helps burn off the cholesterol, reduce the weight and restore your heart to a better working order. So how do you know which camp you fall into?

You should ask your physician for a stress test You are hooked up to monitoring devices and set to work on a treadmill or exercise bicycle. After a few minutes, there is clear evidence of your blood pressure, pulse and EKG. With this information, you can decide how quickly to start living life to the full again - which obviously includes resuming sexual activity. If your heart was strong during the test, you should begin an exercise program to build up stamina. Sex can be quite tiring and, to get and give the maximum enjoyment, you should build up strength. If there was evidence of heart damage, you should make lifestyle changes and rest to allow your heart time to heal. Your doctor will give you a rehabilitation program to help you return to a more active life. This will start with gentle exercise like walking and swimming, and slowly increase to more energetic activities over longer periods of time.

No matter what you are doing, any shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pains or tightness in the arms, shoulders and neck are signs of danger. You should stop the activity and, if any symptoms persist, treat this as an emergency. That said, the vast majority of men can and do resume sex within a few months of the stroke or heart attack. In this, taking levitra can give you the self-confidence to respond with a hard erection the first time you experience sexual stimulation from your partner. But always talk through the decision with your doctor if you are also taking drugs to reduce your blood pressure. The combination of levitra with some drugs can produce unwanted side effects. It may be necessary to change some of the drugs or the dosages. That said, with guidance you can be back in the groove with full sexual satisfaction, enjoying a new lease of life.

5 Steps You Can Take Right Now To Improve Your Health

By Katherine Crawford, M.S.

Without rapid application, information is rendered useless. Unfortunately, maybe you don't have the body and health you want because you haven't found a way to consistently apply what you have learned.

After all, you are bombarded with so much information on a daily basis that unless you apply it you will forget it.

Thus, here is how to revamp your health and body today:

1. Revamp your immediate environment: The biggest change you should make is completely restocking your kitchen. Dump all the junk and processed food, and restock with healthy food. Don't rely on self control to not eat bad food-you will eventually give in.

2. Get an accurate snap shot of where you are at: You need a way to measure progress and you need a way to jump start your motivation. And a great way to do both is by taking photographs of your body. Even better, you can also take blood pressure, blood sugar and heart rate.

3. Tackle the primary sources of angst in your life: You need to tackle your top source of stress for maximum health. And tackling the top sources will give you the biggest bang for your buck. You see, you will never be able to get rid of all the small stressors, so go after the big fish.

4. Put yourself on display: Tell your close friends and your family members about your plans. Really talk this up and be a little self centered. This will create a commitment in your mind because if you don't stick to what you have said, you will look really dumb!

5. Practice one day of extreme dieting: Anybody can do an extreme diet for one day. And if you subject yourself to this temporary torture, you will be able to readjust your palate and your psychological limitations. This is a very effective technique for gaining the confidence and willpower necessary for long term healthy eating.

Action is the key to success. And most people are stuck with bodies they don't want because they simply don't take action. So make sure you follow these tips today, not tomorrow! - 24553

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

How Halal Restaurants Abide Islamic Dietary Laws

By Tristan West

Many of us have encountered the term "halal," but not many of us know what it stands for. Halal can be seen on food labels and eateries. The term is significant for our Muslim brothers and sisters because it indicates what is allowed for them to consume by their Islamic dietary law. In a nation with inhabitants of different religions, the word halal is very important.

Muslims in Islamic nations don't have troubles eating in halal eateries and picking up halal products as most likely than not, they are halal-certified. But for those who are in areas that have mixed religious groups, the term is not as rampant as they would like. Good thing that more establishments are now becoming aware of their customer's preferences.

Halal means lawful or legal. If a food tag has this word on or a eatery claims they are halal-certified, it means that the preparation of their products is in accordance with the Islamic dietary law, and therefore, they are allowed to consume the items.

Just what are allowed in Islamic law? For meat products, the manner in which an animal should be slaughtered must be swift. When slaughtering an animal, its windpipe and gullet must be cut and done rapidly.

And because there are halal or allowed items, there are also haraam or prohibited products. To start with, Muslims are forbidden to feed on pork and drink intoxicants. So a product or an eatery must not use those ingredients to their menu. There should also be no contamination of the items, meaning, if a utensil has been used to prepare a pork meal, it should not be utilized any longer to prepare a halal-approved item.

Haraam items also comprise of blood, birds of prey or carnivores, animals slaughtered in the name of any god but Allah, corpse of an animal, or those that have been consecrated to another deity.

There are Muslim groups who declare food products as halal and give halal certification to establishments. Products that have halal authentication are the ingredients used by halal restaurants to make sure that they observe the Islamic dietary law carefully.

It's good to know that there are restaurants not run by Muslims that still make a great effort to adhere to Islamic dietary laws. It just means that they value all their customers and honor their preferences and religious beliefs. - 24553

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wine Cellar Coolers Are Ideal For Wine Collectors

By Dave Vower

In order to acquire the correct temperature in a wine cellar one most definitely needs to purchase wine cellar coolers as temperature is always a major consideration when stocking up your cellar with wines as they need to be stored at temperatures between 13 to 15 degrees C and should not fluctuate too much.

Keeping wines in your refrigerator isn't a sensible plan as the fridge is way too cold and dry for storing expensive wines. The fridges function is to cool down food quickly to stop the food from turning rotten and the fridge also continuously changes temperature cycles which isn't a perfect scenario for wines.

Wines don't provide off heat or moisture and if exposed to a dry cold temperature the corks can shrink and air can get into the wine and once this happens your wine will be ruined and you would possibly yet use it for cooking purposes that is why it's imperative to install wine cellar coolers which can preserve your wine collection.

Wines need to be kept not only at the right temperature but also require a vibration free atmosphere and when kept in a fridge the wine will continuously have vibration which will end up destroying the wine.

Air conditioned things are also not ideal for wines that are maturing as air conditioners remove the humidity in the air temperature that causes the wines corks to dry out also because the temperature fluctuation can cause irreparable injury to your collection.

If you are a wine collector and you value your collection you need coolers that are specifically designed for this purpose and wine cellar coolers are perfect. You can install the system yourself or you can have it installed by a professional.

Search around on-line and compare models plus prices as there are some extremely good deals you can pick up where you'll be able to save cash by simply doing some research. - 24553

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What The Low Calorie Diet Consists Of?

By John Goldman

Dieting and delusion

Dieting has tested to be really a well known weight loss art over the years. People have delusion about dieting that it is purely confined to hungry oneself, and consuming smaller amount of meal.

However, that is totally wrong, and leading to false consequences. The right diet involves a low amount of calories, in terms of fat content and carbohydrates.

Which food makes you healthy?

Dieting does not literally mean taking simple food stuff or drinking liquids only. That means changing over to quality alternatives and better preferences to keep you healthy and active.

There has been lots of example of weight loss with people implementing this idea, by opting healthier alternatives instead of having a cheese burger and pizza. Being a vegetarian seems to help a lot, in cutting down the calories and keeping you healthy and active over the years.

One should keep this thing in mind that only being a vegetarian does not help you losing weight, whatever you eat that decides your weight loss. Consuming greater portions of your salad, soup and fruits helps you a lot.

These things also add a glow on your face and keep you healthy and fit over the years. You will surely develop a better metabolism rate this way, which is important for the weight loss.

Now days, we see lot of individuals doing fad duets, which demands in taking only fruits, or only milk. To be healthy, and active, one should intake all the basic nutrients in balanced amount, which works miracle for the body.

Consuming carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and even fats in some what quantities helps a great deal. It is true, that there are certain foods which help you shed fat, and you can definitely go for them.

However, your body requires all of the essential foods which you must impart in your diet scheme. Also, an occasional pampering for the body is essential. Once in a while, you can indulge in your favorite chocolate pudding or cheese cake, which will keep you ticking and satisfied.

Avoiding food will not help, in reality it makes your weight gain and not muscle, which appears just horrible. Be positive, happy, active, and healthy which will profit you in the future..

Low Calorie Diet And Benefits

One should honestly and constantly follow a diet which is low in crabs, high in proteins and proved to produce optimum fat burning in turn weight loss.

You can divide your daily intake of food into five to six portions, as this keeps your metabolism rate high. Your fat burning capacity increases which results in weight loss. Munching on healthy stuff throughout the day is essential and helpful.

You can go for fruits or vegetables to munch on. Beware of health food, they are simply trade gimmicks. The saturated fat content and sodium is high in these products which is not really beneficial for your body. Also, dieting should go hand in hand to make you fit, healthy and slim in shape. - 24553

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Discover What Is So Great About Weber Grills

By Georege Man

We searched a variety of user comments on Consumer Report and Amazon.com to see if the Weber Summit Grill is indeed worth the money. We read through Consumer Report's official rating guide as well.

Just so you know, the Weber grill has been making waves in the grilling industry for over half a century. The first Weber grill was designed in 1952, a year after the company that manufactures it was founded. To provide an amazing alternative, founder George Stephen ensured that the Weber grill has a substantial benefit as opposed to open cooking, which is the most common grilling method of old. The closed lid system is not only a welcome alternative but also a convenient option to enjoy your grilled treats.

Weber gas grills are for kitchen-savvy homemaker who value accommodation more than anything. The unconventional way of firing up a Weber gas grill makes grilling an easy barbecue approach that you can adore anytime.

Customer Service Is Key To Their Success Most grill companies talk about how they stand behind their products which is fine, except for when you actually need something from them. Weber is known for the attention they pay to their customers. If you own a Weber and need a new part, have a complication with the grill, or have questioning about operating it they will be more than happy to help you. They understand how important a happy customer is. Read some online reviews and you will immediately see just how great they are to deal with should you have any complication with one of their barbecue grills.

When you start arrange any kind of research for a new grill one thing will become apparent, and that is that Weber grills are among the highest consumer rated among any brand. They have a full lineup of smokers, gas or propane grills, and even some innovative charcoal grills that are dissimilar your traditional cooker.

Considering the name of the brand is also a good tactic in ensuring that you will have the best gas grill in your household. Among the reputable brands is the Weber gas barbecue grill. Weber gas barbecue grill has three models that are cheapo and affordable yet the price does not compromise the quality of the product.

Propane grills do provide more cooking power. Despite, on the other hand, the price of common gas is generally lower than that of propane. In some areas, it will cost you about 1/3 the price of propane! This means that even if it takes a bit longer to cook your food, you will save money in the long run with a natural gas grill. One more plus for gas grills is that they are more eco-friendly than propane grills. The smoke that is released is cleaner. If you have people at your backyard get-together who are sensitive to smoke, they will be thankful that you are using a gas grill rather than of one that is fueled by propane.

Here we come to the first problem that many face when cooking outdoors. Many people assume that cooking times will be the same as for using a quality grill. - 24553

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

How Come Texas Style Barbecue Is So Exceptional

By Paul Anderson

In fact, every time I put a juicy slice of Texas type barbecue into my mouth, the juicy and flavorful piece of meat convinces me that the Texans where the only ones to perfect the barbecue art. Nonetheless, it isn't just the taste factor, the Texas barbecue enjoy equal acceptance as health food.

Like everybody else, should you are wondering just what makes the Texas barbecues so specific, I will tell you that it's almost everything. Should you go on to make a list, all the whole lot will feature in it - right from seasoning to cooking and smoking to presentation. Above all, you will call for patience! If you falter there, you'll spoil all the barbecue.

Texas type barbecue is not cooked within the standard grilling procedure. The secret to grilling melting soft and succulent Texan barbecues, is to prepare them slowly over low temperature and indirect heat. The lower all the temperature (say, among 200 to 250 degree F) from the pit or grill, the lesser will be the moisture-loss and so all the piece of meat will not get dry. In fact, it's this prolonged process of cooking (around 6 to 7 hours) which renders even unusual and more hard cuts like a brisket, shoulder or ribs utterly tasty.

Adding to this lusciousness, this deliciousness from the Texan type barbecues is the frequent use of mop sauce. After all the meat has been smoke treated, proclaim for all the initial Two to 3 hours, it is basted having a mop sauce containing bacon, beef broth, lemon, pepper, onions, etc. and turned every 30 minutes for another 3 to 4 hours.

Smoke from all the hardwoods like mesquite, pecan, hickory and fruit woods give the Texan barbecues a typical sweet flavor. Used with charcoal, they increase all the food value of Texan barbecues. The much talked-about reddish colored smoke-ring that forms around the internal edge of the meat as a result of a chemical reaction between smoke and air (nitrogen) is an additional specialty of Texan style barbecues; it is generally considered that the bigger the ring, all the greater is its penetrating power and consequently stronger favorable effects on health.

This speaks for the taste and wellness advantages from the Texan type barbecue, but exactly what about its looks! Nicely, you can easily give an appetizing look to your Texas type barbecue by slicing each piece across the grain from the meat. Now, whenever you offer all the Texas barbecues, your guests will be eager to enjoy the well-cooked aroma from the steaming barbecues cuts and will gather around the dining table to bite into the savory, succulent Texas BBQ. - 24553

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Weight Lifting Workouts - Good for Losing Weight?

By Thaya Kareeson

Weight loss infomercials and ads always promote weight lifting workouts, but in reality, these weight lifting workouts are not designed to help you lose weight. Find out about this common misconception in this article.

The body's heart rate and overall fat burning capacity is quite low throughout the weight lifting duration. This is because weight lifting only addresses a few specific muscle groups at a time. If more muscles were to be addressed within the same amount of time, then more energy and more fat will be expended.

Because weight lifting workouts strengthen only specific muscle groups, it can actually make you gain more weight if it is not combined with enough fat burning exercises or with a proper nutritional plan.

Because of this, a balance "weight lifting workout" should consist of a cycle through different actual weight lifting exercises that are changed up with fat burning exercises like jogging or bicycle. It is also important to give the different muscle groups time to build and "digest" the strengthening exercises for certain time intervals before addressing them again with intensity.

Your workout schedule will also depend greatly on your goals. A person just starting to improve their fitness level with 3 workouts per week will end up with a different workout plan than someone who is in great shape and wants improve their fitness level with a 5 workouts per week.

Most people who are looking to lose weight and gain better overall conditioning and fitness will get best results with a routine that matches about 2 parts of fat burning exercises with one part of muscle and strength building.

This means if you are looking at a 3 day regiment, you can do two days of fat burning and conditioning, and one day of weight lifting. If you have the time to work out on five days per week, you can do three days of fat burning and conditioning, and two days of weight lifting and strength building. For best results switch between fat burning and weight lifting days. - 24553

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Friday, February 19, 2010

5 Tips For Lowering Blood Sugar

By Katherine Crawford, M.S.

Your body needs sugar to produce energy. Without it, you would die. Unfortunately, too much sugar can also kill you. As you can see, this is a very delicate balance.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, high levels of blood sugar are becoming commonplace. In fact, even children are starting to appear with diabetes-something that has never happened before. Diabetes, by the way, is an extreme elevation of blood sugar.

So here is how to lower your blood sugar for maximum health:

1. Workout: Now almost any type of physical activity will help you. However, resistance training is by far the most effective because it increases levels of glut-4 transporters. And these transporters are responsible for letting blood sugar into your cells.

2. Have insulin sensitizing foods: If you are more sensitive to insulin, you will be able to lower your blood sugar more effectively. And a great way to do this is by taking in some special insulin sensitizing foods. One such foods is cinnamon. Just make sure you get natural cinnamon, stay away from common cassia cinnamon.

3. Drink coffee: Tea also works here. In fact, studies have shown that people who drink coffee or tea are less likely to develop diabetes-an extreme elevation of blood sugar. But there is a catch: adding sugar to your coffee or tea will negate any of the benefits!

4. Eat some chia: Chia is a nutty-like grain that has lots of omega-3 fats. And some studies have shown that taking chia seeds can lower blood sugar. You could experiment with putting some chia seeds in your breakfast every day, for instance.

5. Don't overindulge on carbs: The best strategy that I have found is to undulate carbohydrate intakes. This does a great job at reducing blood sugar levels while also preventing you from feeling deprived. Just make sure you stick with slow digesting carbs and don't go overboard with sugars here!

Elevated levels of blood sugar will degrade your health to the point of no return when not treated. So make sure you take the necessary precautions to prevent this from happening to you! - 24553

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

How to Find the Perfect Pet Dog

By Amarea Fulkakis

If you grew up without having the chance to own a pet dog because your strict parents won't allow you to mingle with these supposedly filthy and hyperactive animals, then you know that your life is not the same as kids who had their favorite pup grow up with them. Now, if you don't want the same thing happening to your children, get them a pet dog that will be their best friend for life.

It is not easy to just get a dog for a pet. You have to consider plenty of things before taking the plunge. Bear in mind that you are to share your life with this animal for a long time. Therefore, think if your family members will be agreeable with your decision. Then, there is the factor of your house and lawn. You might also mull over what breed you want as well as the maintenance expenses. You have to make sure it won't drain your monthly budget.

Read on as this article spills the details in each factor. Hopefully, this will help you greatly in your quest for the perfect dog.

If you are living alone, then you are the sole decision-maker in this situation. However, if you have a wife and kids, they should also be allowed to put in their two cents' worth so that you can truly weigh the pros and cons in an objective manner. Making a crucial choice should be a collaborative process.

Second, the size of your house and yard must be assessed. If you have a small place, a small dog should be your pet. They do not require a humongous place to play around in. If you provide them with a small dog house, they won't complain. This is not the case for guard dogs. They want a huge area where they can run and play to their heart's content. If they can't stretch their lean limbs and torso every single day, they will feel bad and get depressed. This would cause mayhem because they may throw temper tantrums. You don't want this to happen, right? Therefore, be wise enough to know what is good for your dog.

Third, find a dog whose breed matches your personality. You should spend hours of deliberation with regards to this issue. Remember that each breed has its share of quirks that must be taken into consideration. If you like small and furry animal friends, toy dogs like a Japanese Spitz and poodle are the perfect choices. You may also want to include terriers and pugs in your list of possible options. They are playful and need constant attention so someone who is enthusiastic will get along well with them. Authoritative figures are best suited for German shepherd, Pit-bull and Rottweiler. They need to be disciplined and controlled so they are definitely not for the faint of heart. They require an individual who can force them into submission when they are still young so that they will grow up as well-mannered adults.

Fourth, if you have a limited amount of money for the dog's upkeep, get one that is not a burden to the pocket. This means saying no to cute and furry animals that need weekly grooming care and monthly visit to the vet. Others, like the Siberian husky, need an extremely cold location in order to thrive. If you think you can't keep up with the increase in your electric bill for his air conditioning needs, forget his kind.

There is no need to rush when getting a pet dog. Patience is a virtue in this case. Since you will be together for a long time, it pays to get the perfect pooch. - 24553

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Preparing Healthy Allergy Free Recipes For The Discriminating Eater

By Chris Channing

Amongst some of the worst allergens in food products today, are soy, wheat, dairy, and nuts. Soy is wonderfully good for you, but like the others, they are often added to too many foods. This can cause an allergy to spike at any time, or perhaps you were born with it. A yummy allergy free recipe or two can help you find foods that won't cause a reaction or sickness.

Cookbooks do hold all of the answers to the cooking world, but they aren't necessary. Some of the best recipes in the world can be found through other sources. Either way, cookbooks are still full of delicious recipes that can be used for any meal or anyone. Sometimes it's easier to find a cookbook relating to your specific allergy, such as "Dairy Free Cooking" or "Nut free cooking."

After cookbooks, the Internet is truly your best cooking buddy. There are likely thousands upon thousands of recipes lurking out there waiting to be prepared. On the Internet you will find plenty of other people that share your same allergy worries and know how to prepare delicious recipes that are healthy and filling.

Of course, if you are still on a hunt for that perfect allergy-free chocolate cake recipe, you can ask around. Talk to people about what they do for holidays or vacations. Learn about basic alternatives that can quickly turn your cooking habits into something easy and stress free.

Once you establish a bit of recipes that are delicious and fun for the whole family, you can look to expand. You will certainly need to make amendments to certain foods in your daily life, and simply learn to like them. Despite everything you should probably plan to test some foods you probably won't like, and plenty more that you will!

One thing that those will allergies learn, is that allergy-free foods come at a high cost. Why? Food companies base their products around allergens because they act as filler. In this case, you must learn to fend for yourself and budget so that you can prepare allergy free meals that are healthy for you and your family.

Closing Comments

The fun part is learning patience and finding recipes that will make your entire family happy. It doesn't need to be extravagant, but you do need to be kitchen savvy. Regardless of how the allergies started, it is crucial to your health that you avoid the major allergens that can cause health problems. - 24553

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Unique Website Approach For Eating Disorder Information Just Launched

By Dr Jeff Desarbo

Dr. Jeffrey DeSarbo, a Board Certified psychiatrist on Long Island, N.Y., has created a new website for people with eating disorders, their friends and family and treatment providers who seek the latest research news and information about conditions such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder and body dysmorphic disorder. The website, called The Eating Disorder News Network (EDNN), is a unique and major undertaking as it uses video as the primary mode of information distribution.

"It's like CNN meets YouTube for eating disorders," describes Dr. DeSarbo. In medical specialty fields such as that found with eating disorder care, there is a significant amount of new research published every month. Some of these important studies are published in the one or two major professional journals, but the majority of the studies and reports are dispersed in numerous medical journals throughout the world. Because of this, nearly every treatment provider, not mention the public, never gets access to this information unless they attend the few national and international conferences held annually, and then they still only get a portion of what is being discovered.

As a specialist in the treatment of eating disorders, Dr. DeSarbo's interest in remaining up-to-date with eating disorder research led him to begin production of a newsletter for the profession. The EDNN website was created because Dr. DeSarbo felt that to keep treatment providers and the public on the cutting edge of information, it would be necessary to get this information out there in a form consistent with how people currently rely on getting their news: online, with multimedia, concise, and current. "We live in a YouTube generation and to educate it helps to find a method to capture and maintain interests," says Dr. DeSarbo. "With our site, people get to see and hear from the leaders in the field."

While the EDNN website was originally conceived as a way to report on the most recent published research, Dr. DeSarbo later expanded the project to include video interviews with leading physicians, therapists, nutritionists and counselors throughout the world who specialize in treating eating disorders. The EDNN website has separate sections for 1) patients, 2) Friends and Family, 3) Treatment Providers and 4) Special Highlights which includes videos from people in recovery, coverage from conferences and other special topics. Each week, the videos change and past videos are moved into a comprehensive archive section.

Other features of the site include video tours of inpatient treatment centers, training videos and conferences, a resource section, and a referral center for treatment providers. Under development are sections including a professional community bulletin board and an online art gallery featuring work from patients who have suffered from an eating disorder.

The Eating Disorder News Network domain on the web is www.EatingDisorderNews.com and Dr. DeSarbo's personal website may be found at www.DrDeSarbo.com. - 24553

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Ideas For Everyday Healthy Recipes

By Adriana Noton

Are you concerned about what you put in your mouth? Would you like to eat better healthier food, but do not know where to start? Well you are not alone! There is nothing to worry about. Healthy recipes are now very easy and accessible. There are various ways to ensure you are eating healthy.

Plenty of fruits and vegetables are the key to eating healthy. They are filled with the essential vitamins and nutrients your body and your brain needs to function and make it through the day. If you think you do not possess the time required to cook those healthy recipes, you are wrong! Of course there are some more complex recipes, but there are also plenty of super easy and super fast ones.

So for your next breakfast, try this: 30g of whole grain cereals and 175g of yogurt mixed together, with 125ml of orange juice on the side. You don't like orange juice? Not a problem! You can substitute for your choice of vegetable of fruit juice, as long as it is 100% pure. You can also add as many fresh fruits as you want to your breakfast. For even more delicious nutritious, add in some scrambled eggs. Now that is a quick and nutritious morning!

These meals might not seem like enough to you at first, but as you go through the day, you will feel full and energized, because your body will actually be getting the vitamins and nutrients it needs. If you also are in a hurry for lunch, no worries! There is a solution to everything.

How about this for a quick brown bag lunch: spread on whole wheat bread a mix of tuna, light mayonnaise and your shredded cheese of choice, for a delectable homemade tuna sandwich. After a complete healthy meal like this one, you will feel ready to take on the rest of your day.

Now you get to dinner, and things get even more complicated. Most of you have families, and you need to please them as well. So why not try your hand at a stir fry. It contains all the ingredients you should have in a healthy meal, and you are always free to substitute the meat for fish or veggie meat if you are a vegetarian.

For example: 1 lb of boneless chicken cut into strips, 1/4 cup of fat free Italian dressing, 2 cups of frozen of fresh mixed vegetable of your choice and 1 teaspoon of light soy sauce. Fry the chicken and dressing in a large skillet, add the veggies and soy sauce and fry for another 5 minutes. Dinner ready to eat for four! Have any leftovers? Why not make them the next day's lunch and save yourself even more time!

So when trying your hand at healthy recipes, use your imagination! Just remember the big lines: lots of fruits and vegetables, more whole grain and not too much salt! Anything taken with moderation is acceptable; you just need to be careful! - 24553

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Common Sense Organic Food Shopping

By Stan Dyer

More than ever before, people are paying attention to what they eat. Years ago, few people knew the words organic, natural, free range or hormone free in respect to food. They just did not give it a second thought. Now, however, people are taking these words to the store and coming home with different products. In addition, people now want to find these words when they dine out. For reasons of both budget and availability, it is important for the consumer to note that all organic foods are not equal in overall benefit.

In U.S.D.A terms, foods must meet certain criteria before they can wear the "USDA Organic" seal. It has more to do with manufacturing and production than anything else. To be organic, foods must contain no synthetic ingredients at all, including pesticides and fertilizer residues. A minimum of 95% of the ingredients must be organic or come from animals never receiving antibiotics or growth hormones. Foods labeled "Made with Organic Ingredients", however, may contain as little as 70% organic ingredients.

The quality of food grown at local farms is likely to be higher than that of food that has been grown thousands of miles away and thus handled more before it reaches the local markets. Shipping from long distances raises the chances of the food losing some of its best organic benefits in transit. Nutritionists are big proponents of buying organic in order to avoid the high pesticide levels in products that are grown or produced commercially.

The fruits found to contain the highest level of pesticides are peaches, apples, strawberries, nectarines, pears, cherries, raspberries and imported grapes. The vegetables found to contain the highest levels of pesticides are spinach, bell peppers, celery, potatoes and hot peppers. When choosing these foods, it is probably best to choose organically grown products as the benefit far outweighs the increase in cost.

Commercially grown fruits that are lower in pesticide levels are watermelons, plantains, bananas, pineapple, kiwi, plums, and mangoes. Vegetables that fall into this lower pesticide category are broccoli, cauliflower, onions, radishes, asparagus, and Brussels sprouts. These fruits and vegetables are a relatively safe option for those on a budget who can't afford to buy organic. These products present less of a degree of risk than produce that contains higher levels of pesticides.

Searching the Internet for advice on things like what cookware is best or the best utensil or appliance to use will provide you with countless results. The Internet can also give you facts and figures about organic foods, pesticide levels, and what are the best products, but ultimately the choice of what to buy is left to the shopper's own preferences. An informed shopper should take all of the information about organic food into account before making that choice. - 24553

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Raising the price of eating

Sometimes, it's good to talk to economists. Although most of them failed to predict the recession, they are still able to tell us interesting things about the way we behave. One of these interesting ideas comes under the heading of elasticity of demand. This studies the way people react to changes in the price of goods and services. Sometimes, this is slightly counterintuitive. For example, significantly raising the prices of goods and services considered in the luxury class can actually increase demand. More obviously, raising the prices on must-have goods and services will usually reduce demand. The reasons are not hard to find. The higher the price, the fewer the people who can afford the product. So people want to buy the product, and be seen wearing or using it to prove to the world they have the money. It's a status trap. But if the price of gas rises to, say, $4 per gallon, the average driver will find this a deterrent to using the gas guzzler and so drive less.

There is an increasingly strong political movement building behind the idea of using price disincentives to modify eating behavior. The plan calls for new taxes on drinks with high sugar content and most junk food. This is a declaration of war along the same lines as taxes on cigarettes. Just as higher prices can reduce demand for tobacco, the same logic is adopted by the anti-obestiy lobby. Why should this be taken seriously? Because the majority of US states have budget deficits as tax revenues have fallen. Given the billions of dollars lost through the poor productivity and the treatment of obesity-related diseases, the idea of taxing high calorie foods is quite attractive to legislatures. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that adding 3 cents to the cost of the standard can of soda will produce $50 billion over ten years while cutting consumption. Additional revenue with a health benefit makes for good politics! But, of course, the opponents strike back, characterizing this as a "sin tax". The nanny state is taxing all the things we like to eat. But when education has failed to persuade Americans to change their eating habits, perhaps it really is time to raise the price of sinful foods.

While this battle plays out in budgetary committees around the US, people still have the problem of how to reduce their weight and stay healthy. The answer, as always, is to use phentermine together with a reduced-calorie diet and a program of physical exercise. Why phentermine? Because over the last fifty years and more, it has consistently proved itself as the most effective appetite suppressant on the market. Other drugs have been launched on to the market and have failed or been withdrawn for a variety of reasons. This is the only drug that has not only managed to keep going, but also to steadily increase its market share. Eating less saves you money. When you eat less, you lose weight. When you lose weight, you reduce the risks of diseases shortening your life. You know it makes sense so buy phentermine online today and start shedding those pounds.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

What To Eat To Lose Weight

By Yong Qiang

There is no need of wondering on losing weight. Some times you may be familiar with Jennie's story. She always had a little food to stay slim which you may think as impossible. It is not essential to have little food like a rabbit to reduce weight.

This is a fake idea of most people. There is no harm in having a reasonable quantity as well as quality food. The reduction should be in the amount of calories you take. Hence you must understand the low calorie food items you can have to quench your appetite Fatty food and sugary food are the main sources of high calories.

Chicken and fish are protein rich food that can be added in your diet. White meat in all forms can also be included as the cholesterol content is very less in that. Eating more fish can make a negative impact on your weight loss mission.

You can take a precautionary step against this by reducing the usage of fatty oil to cook it. It is a wrong perception that intake of skin is unhealthy to reduce weight. Fruits are excellent companions as they activate your metabolism there by burning the excess energy.

Consumption of fruits alone can make you anemic. For vegetarians, beans are a fine choice as it is rich in both proteins and carbohydrate. But the quantity of consumption must be very low. Low sugar and low fat diary products are available in market now. Cottage cheese is another choice. But these must be consumed in fewer quantities as weight loss is a matter of issue.

Acai berries have been a popular fruit since its debut on Oprah show. The high fiber content of the berries brings a quick relief from hunger and this will make you eat less. Another advantage of Acai berries is that they are rich in vitamins and other nutrients. Hence the chance of malnutrition is comparatively less.

The above mentioned are efficient natural modes of weight loss worth adopting. Healthy food habits with systematic work outs and fat binders can help you to bring down obesity. You can contribute yourself to weight loss business by doing a keen research on the variety of harmless foods that can be included in your diet. Thus you can have a variety menu for your meals. You must work out to make your meals appetizing with the harmless food items. All that needed is a little effort. - 24553

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Wu Long Tea And It's Different Types

By Gabriel Lozen

Wu long or oolong tea is available in a range of prices which are based on the degree to which the tea has been fermented. Each batch if wu long tea is graded on the basis of taste, fragrance, leaf color and the color of the tea liquor. All these factors come together to determine the price of the tea. Some varieties of wu long tea can be very expensive. However, you can buy about 2 oz. of quality wu long tea under $10. This amount of tea makes about 30 standard cups. As a rule, you will the grades of wu long tea from online stores will be better than those available at grocery stores. Here is a rough guide to the types of wu long teas.

The Taiwanese Oolong as the name suggests, comes from Taiwan. This grade of tea is among the most flavorful of all types. The high altitude and sea air are major factors that contribute to the flavor of this tea.

1990 Aged Alishan Oolong is a classic, dark, black leaf oolong variety. This is a roasted tea that can be steeped even upto ten times and still be just as flavorful. This tea has a sweet, full-bodied taste and a distinctive aftertaste that lingers on. The tea leaves give off an enticing fragrance. This grade has a complex flavor that is sure to appeal to regular drinkers of wu long tea.

The 2006 Alishan Spring High Mountain variety is a hand-made tea. It is comprised of leaves that ripe, full and tender. Wu long connoisseurs like this tea for its slight sweetness and an aftertaste that is almost creamy.

The Lishan High Mountain Spring Oolong is a light green tea and is one of the best wu long varieties from Taiwan. It has a sweet and creamy flavor and provides a smooth sensation in your throat when you drink it. You can steep this tea severla times and still enjoy the flavor.

The Spring Buds Green Jade Oolong makes a wonderful morning tea. This type of tea is characterized by small leaves that are rolled tightly and have a dark green color. This variety is known for its spicy but sweet taste and can be served both hot and cold. This tea generally sells at about $12 for 2oz.

The Formosa Green Jade Oolong is a classic green wu long tea. Try this tea if you like your tea smooth and sweet along with a fresh after taste. This tea comprises single, tightly rolled leaves. This sweet tea is reasonable priced and offers good value for money.

The Formosa Golden Buds Oolong has a stronger taste than the Green Jade Oolong and has more body. It has some of the spicy taste of the Green Jade Oolong.

The Golden Amber Oolong is less flowery as compared to the green wu long varieties. The leaves of this tea are fine and well processed and provide a rich fragrance.

The Oriental Beauty Oolong is a variety that is produced in limited amounts. This tea is grown at an altitude of 2500 feet and is characterized by its honey-like taste. - 24553

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Things To Remember Regarding Medifast Health Products

By Britni Lindsey

Keeping fit and healthy has become quite a necessity. You should work hard in order to build a good physique and stay mentally and bodily fit. We all must eat healthy foodstuff in order to stay completely fit and healthy. Physical exercise alone cannot help you achieve a good body, for this purpose you really need to consume a balanced diet. The quality of the food items that you purchase should be good and up to the mark. Further in this topic, we are going to discuss mainly about health products from Medifast.

Keeping fit and healthy has really become difficult due to increasing environmental pollution. Pollution truly hampers the growth of our body. It is of utmost importance that each and every one of us consumes healthy and nutritious food. Medifast is a huge organization which manufactures some excellent food items that are pretty good when it comes to your overall health. Now, mentioned below are some of the best food items manufactured by Medifast.

1. Different Medifast Soups

Medifast health soups are available in two different styles. Two of the Medifast soups available in the market are: minestrone and chicken soup. However, let me tell you that you will certainly have to mix certain ingredients in order to make it taste good. I must tell you that this soup does not have a great taste. But you can always compromise on such small things when it comes to your health.

2. Food bars by Medifast

The food bars are not that good when it comes to their taste. However, lemon fantasy and oatmeal raisin are two of the best food bars manufactured by Medifast. You can by any one as per your requirements.

3. The Medifast Oatmeal Packets

The Medifast Oatmeal tastes same as the normal Oatmeal. However, it is obtainable in a number of flavors in the market.

Mentioned above are some of the most preferred Medifast health products in the market. So, if you want to stay fit you must eat all these health products by Medifast. If you want to include these health products in your diet then you must remember a few vital things. Don't forget to consult your doctor before including these products in your diet. You need to ask him whether such products would suit your body or not.

Make sure you read this article once. - 24553

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How Many Calories Intake Affects Your Weight ?

By John Goldman

When you are in a food storehouse you sensibly move through all the food stuff and test the description before bring them into your shopping cart. You search for the calorie content and pick accordingly.

You feel glad when you have selected the exact food product in order to remain healthy. Though, there are some of us who do not have much information about calories and what role they perform in our routine meal.

You have heard fitness freaks usually address regarding calorie consume and they are generally seen to ignore high calorie food products. High calorie food products is said to be fattening.

Calorie is a measurement for heat. For instance when you boil water the heat that is used up by the water to boil is measured in calories. Calorie is a constant variable that does not change. For instance, one calorie can increase the temperature of one gram of water by one degree only. This calculation never varies and is universally constant.

Food contains nutrition calories. You take any kind of food stuff and you will find that it has certain amount of calories in it. The body has several uses for the food we eat. Some food calories are used to keep you warm; the others are used to build muscles while some power our lungs and heart.

Each and every food stuff has different nutrition calories measurement .There is always some calories present in it whether your food is a protein diet or carbohydrates.

The body can save very restricted quantity of sugar; at least a few hundred calories. Surplus sugar is saved as fat in the body. This is the basis the body gets fat as it can save unnecessary fat. There are 3500 calories in a single pound of fat. So when you say that you have lost a few pounds it means that the extra calories have been burnt.

You must be alert of those meal charts which say that calories don't count. If you aim to keep in shape you cannot take in all you like. There has to be a several limit on the consumption of food. You must also keep an eye on what you eat.

All food products have calories in them. You cannot ignore a certain amount of food in order to avoid getting fat. Calories will remain calories. The technique is to keep a check on your consuming habits. The meal chart that lot of us have seen comprise of a meal that is made to provide you the exact quantity of calories.

The diet plan that is given to you is called a balanced diet because it contains all the vital substances necessary for the growth and maintenance of our body. The trick to loosing weight is to take in the right amount of nutrition calories.

Always try to eat less than the amount that your body uses in order to reduce weight .That is the reason when you are losing weight you learns more about nutrition calories and the value of maintaining the calorie count in your diet. - 24553

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Discovering the Joy of Cooking

By Alice Sy

People say that the surest way that a woman will get to a man's heart is through his stomach. That is true. In the course of history, no person has ever said no to food. Cooking is a universal favorite and it has done much to human being - livelihood, entertainment, etc. Indeed, the joy of cooking is undoubtable.

Before fire was discovered by man, human beings used to eat their food raw and fresh from a catch. Over time, they have learned which food can be eaten raw without any undesired effects to the body. Aside from seafood, they have learned that fruits, vegetables and insects can be eaten raw.

Cooking also involves different techniques that range from simple food preparation to exquisite decoration in pastries, table settings, and special occasions. More and more people today find the joy of cooking, whether be it a profession or a hobby.

There are two types of cooking. They are cuisine bourgeois, or home cooking, and haute cuisine. Haute cuisine is the form of cooking that seeks to find pleasure. In principle, the differences of the two are laid between practical skills in cooking and the artistic way of cooking. In actual, on the other hand, the two principles cannot be identified. It has remained in vague for years. This was further increased by home cooks who are now better equipped, well informed, and well supplied than they were in the past. But whatever type cooking maybe, anyone will always feel the joy of cooking.

Over time, the joy of cooking became an art form, so much so that it became a profession and named it Culinary Arts. Many individuals have sought to study this profession, studied the art of cooking and came up with its different forms.

To date, there have been five identified forms of cooking, all established with the use of heat. The first form is cooking through the use of liquids. This includes poaching, stewing, and boiling. Another form is cooking with the use of fats and oil or more commonly called frying. Next is cooking through exposure to vapor such as braising and steaming. Last is cooking by exposing to dry heat such as roasting, broiling, and baking.

The Culinary Arts has identified two types of cooking and five forms of cooking food with the use of heat. All these were studied for the love of cooking and for the goal of improving and perfecting the art.

Indeed, no one can replace the joy of cooking in anyone's heart. As time passes, cooking will always be the most favorite thing man ever does. - 24553

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How to Write an Informative Restaurant Review

By Adriana Noton

Writing a restaurant review is a fun way to share your thoughts and impressions about your dining experience. To write an informative review, you need to have knowledge about what key points you should include in your review. Not only is properly describing the food important, but you must have an understanding about the details of the restaurant. Once you have knowledge of the essential points to include, you then can present a well structured and organized restaurant review.

The following are a number of helpful tips to help you write a restaurant review:

1. Before you write a restaurant review, it is important to know how to structure the review. Make sure you are very descriptive and detailed. It is a personal review so emphasize your own writing style. Write complete sentences and use plenty of descriptive words and phrases. Write it in chronological order that includes from the moment you enter the restaurant to when you pay the bill and leave. Describe the restaurant in the present tense and in the second person. Using your own personality will help make the review unique.

2. Pick a restaurant you want to review. For example, you might choose Restaurants in Montreal. Or it might not even be a restaurant - it could be a cafe shop in Montreal. You want to make sure that there will be food that you like. When you enter the dining establishment, note such details as the interior appearance that includes the arrangement of tables, furnishings, decorations, colors, lighting, and the cleanliness of the restaurant. Make sure you check out the condition of the bathrooms. As well, make a note of the friendliest of the staff, how long you have to wait to be seated and its location, and if the hostess asks if you would like a beverage. When you are seated, make a note of the atmosphere of the restaurant. Is it friendly, extremely busy and loud, or relaxing?

3. Once you receive a menu, note the variety of meal choices, prices, any unique dishes, and if there are any healthy meal options. You should have an appetizer, entre, and dessert to get the full dining experience. When you receive the meal, note if the food is cooked properly. Does it have a distinctive taste such as spicy or sweet? What is the portion size? When you make your meal selection, make sure it something you normally enjoy eating, As well, note how you are treated by the servers. Are they friendly, well dressed, courteous, knowledgeable about the food and specials, and attentive? Make a note of the meal's presentation, taste, smell, and if it is hot or cold. Make sure that you use descriptive and creative words. Suggest who may enjoy the food such as families or people who enjoy fine dining dishes. As well, note how long it takes to receive your bill.

When making your recommendation, make sure you have made a note of anything you disliked about the restaurant and the total cost of the meal and if you received good value for your money. When ending the review, make a statement about whether or not you would return. Writing a restaurant is more than just reviewing the food. By understanding the key elements that should be included in the review, you will have a fun restaurant review experience and hopefully provide valuable consumer information. - 24553

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