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Sunday, March 14, 2010

An Ideal Espresso Coffee to Brew the Prefect Morning Cup

/ On : 12:28 AM

By Harley Peterson

Espresso traditionally emerged from the hills of Ethiopia. The Arabs the started trading it in Europe and as it is was very popular in the gulf countries. The Italians later started to cultivate their own coffee berry on hillsides in the last period of seventeenth century. The custom to savor espresso coffee at homes started with the innovation of stove top coffee maker.

With the emergence of coffee makers at homes, it became customary to treat the family and friends with the fresh brewed coffee at the homes. People started accepting it almost like a tradition. The espresso seemed like an expensive experience before the stove top espresso maker was created as buying espresso machines could only be afforded by the very wealthy.

The founder of stovetop coffee maker is Alfonso Bialetti who started his career making home goods in stainless steal. He designed the fabulous espresso maker in the year 1918. He came up with this marvelous idea after witnessing a simple boiler vessel type clothes washing machine. On observing the suction method in washing clothes Bialetti was inspired to develop this simple coffee maker.

During this time, the Italians were trying to innovate new ways to brew coffee using pressure to extract coffee and the pressured machines dominated the households. It was only in 1933 after years of tinkering and resolving technical problems, Alfanso Bialetti invented the first stovetop espresso maker for espresso. It was made from cast aluminum which is similar to the expensive silver coffee service machines in rich Italian homes.

During the early years of his company the sales of stove top coffee maker would sum up to 10,000 units in a year. However, after the Second World War when Alfonso Bialetti's son, Renato Bialetti took up the business, the sales reached newer heights. The founder claims that this coffee maker as 'in casa un espresso come al bar' which means that an espresso at home is just like having a coffee bar.

After the Second World War Bialetti's son, Renato Bialetti joined the business. He launched a massive marketing campaign and with intense focus on production and advertising, he managed to increase the sales to 1,000 units per day. Thus, the stove top coffee maker became iconic in Italy and made its way in every Italian household. Its innovative eight-sided design and the rich aroma which was derived from it made it very popular among the Italians.

Many competitors came up with their models in the market after the success of this stove top espresso coffee maker in Italy. To make this espresso coffee maker unique, Renato Bialetti differentiated it by imprinting a symbolic figure imitation of his father Alfonso Bialetti, a small man with mustache on the side of the maker.

The Italians are very proud of their traditional espresso and they produce the best quality. According to some traditional beliefs, the sugar on a good espresso should settle on the cream on the top for at least half a minute before sinking in. Don't miss the opportunity to savor a good aromatic espresso cup prepared from stove top coffee maker. - 24553

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